Thursday, November 10, 2016

Reader Contribution | Donald Trump is Humpty Dumpty? +Donald Trump, "the Beast" who ruled for 42-months

Again, this was the 58th Presidential Election, and Donald Trump is currently up 58 Electoral Votes, 232-290.

From Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017 to July 20, 2020, is 42-months, the number of time the 'beast' rules for in the Book of Revelation.  Beast = 47; President = 47 "Trump-Pence"

1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58
1/20/17 = 1+20+17 = 38 (Death = 38) (Death = 118, Jewish Gematria, 11/8 election)

That date will be the 51-year anniversary of the moon landing.  Conspiracy = 51; Federal = 51

Think about the moon, JFK, where Trump was election night, and "assassination".

Let us take the date numerology of July 20, 2020.

7/20/2017 = 7+20+20+20 = 67 (Blood Sacrifice) (Revelation) (George Washington, dead @ 67)
7/20/20 = 7+20+20 = 47 (President) (Beast) (Time) (Agent)


  1. The Electoral College consists of 538 votes. On Wikipedia, the 2016 election results are listed as:

    Clinton 232
    Trump 306 (Three 6's > 666)

    538 - 232 = 306
    538 - 306 = 232

    306 - 232 = 74

  2. And then Chelsea saves us all.


  3. I'm reading he has 279 and she has 228. How did it drop from 290 to 279?

    1. Votes are still being counted? You gotta be kidding me.

    2. Lotto machines have better technology than voting machines?

    3. I'm still convinced there will be some sort of 'voter fraud/ era 2000' thing coming up before the Inauguration.

    4. I won't be surprised if they say massive hacking took place, "BREAKING NEWS JUST DISCOVERED", and go back to recounts in close states. Trump's body language at the White House was as off as it could have possibly been.

    5. He looked pissed to me tbh, he's losing money by being the president, I really do think she was the chosen one originally but people must've had too much support for Trump. People are saying she was crying the night of the election and it took her a day to prep a losing speech, she seemed surprised and so did he, someone flipped the script last minute imo.

  4. I pet goat 2 has humpty dumpty reference after the war starts and obamas time.some crazy symbolism if that guy is trump ,I have to re watch that now.

  5. He might be Donald Duck to.
    Donald trump was born on 6/14
    Donald ducks debut was on 6/14/34
    I put on some cartoons of Donald Duck and the first 2 he's fighting with Indian/soldier ants and even the ants are using macaroni to drain syrup out of a jug looks like oil pipeline ..the other one without ants he's at the Grand Canyon wearing red and riding a donkey and runs into a lion and they both ruin the Grand Canyon and have to dig it back up again..

    1. The lion probably represents England since the national animal of England is the lion.Get it Donald and England ruin earths treasures..

    2. First 2 are Donald Duck

      This the one with oil/syrup pipeline/macaroni

    3. During Game 6 Bill Murray did take me out to the ballgame in a Donald Duck voice. I also think about the greedy "scrooge mcduck" (137, the 33rd prime).

    4. I just saw an interesting old cartoon with Donald duck and thought Trump as well! And recall Bill Murray played Scrooge too! Lots of overlaps...brings me back to Groundhog Day too...we are thinks!
      It's also worth noting that Humpty Dumpty is an egg. Ducks lay eggs. I'm sure there is something significant to this...

    5. Yes, I was thinking about Bill Murray at the Cubs Game 3, calling for "Daffy Duck", very interesting.

  6. Could Mike Pence be the next president? That's if Trump gets assassinated or Impeached.

    1. Why not?

      Mike Pence = 45 (would be 45th person to be prez)

      President Pence = 666

  7. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall (Trump riding his "wall")
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (He won the election in the Fall)
    All the king's horses ( Colts, Broncos, Invictus, Cavs, etc.)
    And all the king's men (American public/slaves)
    Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty
    Together again (Divide and Conquer)

    1. That is genius! You should do one for Mike Pence with Sing A Song Of Six "Pence".

  8. I think that it's painfully obvious to those who can see that the election was scripted with this ending.

    If Hillary had selected Bernie Sanders as her running mate after winning the Democratic nomination, there is no way the two of them would have lost.

    In the same vein, it's no coincidence that Donald selected Mike Pence for the name play, Trump-Pence.

    The Donald's win surprised everyone, except the elite who gave him the win to cause division and fear. Hillary's win would have caused the Republicans grief, but most would get over it and we would have gone back to business as usual.

    I even think Hillary was played. They probably promised her the election so she would put on a good show and pulled the rug from under her at the last minute; reminding her of the bigger agenda. I suspect her taking one for the big team earned her an achievement in the Freemason system hence the purple and black she wore at her concession speech. They probably had to do some custom tailoring on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning which accounts for the delay.

    Prepare for civil unrest and war... after all, war makes the elite money and culls the population which is what they want.

    1. I think Hillary was played too. Her concession speech almost looked CGIed.

    2. I agree. I don't think she really expected this. They confused a lot of people with this charade. The purple that we keep coming back's also the color of the crown chakra and violet is the color of the third eye chakra. They do think they are the illuminated ones after all...

    3. Hillary was 100% in on it. The script was followed 100%.

    4. What Bob said. Come on guys, this stuff is planned decades (or centuries) in advance. We must stop talking about Hillary or Trump or anyone else as if they have thoughts of their own on the matter. They're characters in the stage play, nothing more.

    5. I feel that, but everyone is a little flabbergasted at the moment.

  9. Zach, we have two huge wildfires burning in North Georgia/Tennessee right now that are making all of Metro Atlanta a smoke storm. Started right after the election. It hasn't rained here since early October, which is a really long time for this area. I feel this is definitely purposeful.

    1. Oh yes. Gainesville is covered. Did you notice all the planes and trails over the metro the last 2 weeks? I usually don't look for that, but they are heavy lately.

    2. Whoa I thought someone was burning leaves. I'm in south gwinnett. Atlantas the land of 33.

    3. Just an excuse to do chemtrails, same in California. Stay inside!!!

    4. They're picking on the 4th State with the 44 gematria, eh? I noticed the Cavs played the Hawks on election night. Sorry brother, but thank you for the heads up.

  10. So now we know the Bills loosing was for Hillary?

  11. Im likin colts giants with regards to 58. 58 year season anniversary of greatest game ever played colts giants in 1958. Vikings got a lot of coding too. Its a tough call

  12. I lived here in Mississippi we haven't got rain in month's I think the best rain we saw was in the Spring time

  13. Well here we go.....
    Arnold Schwarzenegger talking about the election and President Lincoln.

  14. @zach Have you seen the fox article about Hillary still having a chance to beat out trump?

    1. It wouldn't surprise me. Do you have a link to this article?

    2. It is just about a bullshit online petition from Trump protestors pleading to the electoral college to change their vote. Should be on your facebook feed if you have one liberal friend.


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. As I post this, Fox News is talking about a political assassination

  15. Obama said that in his second term he would "end the war on Christmas". This is his last Christmas as President. What war was he referring to?

    November 18 to Christmas is 38 days including end day.

    Nine months from Lupercalia is November 18. (Ten days after the election).
    40 weeks
    9 months, 6 days (96 > 69)
    280 days

    February 13, 2016
    2/13/2016 > 15/216 > 6/666
    2 + 1 + 3 = 6 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9 > 6/9
    2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 15 (51)
    2 + 13 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 24 (42)
    2 + 13 + 20 + 16 = 51 (15)
    2 + 13 + 16 = 31 (13)

    February 13 is the 44th day with 322 days remaining in the leap year.

    November 18, 2016
    11/18/2016 > 11/216 > 11/666
    1 + 1 + 1 + 8 = 11 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9 > 11/9
    1 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 20 (02)
    11 + 18 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 38 (83)
    11 + 18 + 20 + 16 = 65 (56)
    11 + 18 + 16 = 45 (54)

    November 18 is the 322nd day (323 in the leap year) with 43 days remaining in the year.

    I am adding this day to my watch list.

    1. Thanks for that heads up Cheryl! Very interesting. This month is full of land-mines.

  16. Trump is somber, something is not right. He's shell shocked. We all know Trump has gone off script but he looks bizarre. Heart attack would be fitting.

    1. Trump heart attack numbers are pretty good.

    2. Trump heart attack numbers are pretty good.

    3. Maybe Barack leaned in close to Donald and whispered, "Hillary went along with her part of the bargain and now you have to hold up yours." Then proceeded to tell Donald how he will have to take a great fall to create chaos.

    4. If he was cast as the disrespectful, arrogant opponent contracted through the election and then they changed the script, I'm sure it would be a shock to him. "WTF do you mean, I am the next president! I don't know how to run a nation".

    5. Lol Lord...heart attack numbers are pretty good! I'm like cracking up over here. I'm sure the overlords are telling Trump...hey don't worry...we'll tell you exactly what to do.

      I hadn't thought about it...but heard a guy say that all of these protestors are paid actors...and I bet that's right on true. I mean...who the hell are these people protesting? I bet it's just like with BLM...Soros and those creeps probably paid for this whole show...

    6. Maybe the trump clone was malfunctioning

    7. I ran the Trump Heart Attack scenario a couple months back. I swear it looks to me like they flipped it. I know we like to say ita planned way in advance, and of course it is, but only the 1% of the 1% know every single step.

      Surprise Motherfuckers=287, 1722

    8. This is also how they keep truthers from knowing...they do this on purpose. So the bewildered sheep will say...oh guys were wrong so you don't know anything. Makes me so angry...of course we don't know everything! These psychos have planned these things since before I was alive! Most people just don't want to know the truth.'s very frustrating.


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