Sunday, June 7, 2015

YouTube Subscribers Moving Up!


  1. I have your subs @ 3346. This is a fantastic accomplishment Zach.


    1. To me it is a mega disappointment and will be until it drastically improves. The goal was 100k for the first year. I based that on channels which have 100-200K subscribers but now I am wondering if those sub counts are frauds. It seems to me that if those channels have those kind of numbers, this channel should surely have more. Especially since I did two radio shows with one of those channels and netted about 100 subscribers total from both shows... that seems awfully low for them having an audience of 200k.

      The truth movement is a flee.

    2. A couple thoughts, just my educated opinion.

      Some people might be reluctant to sub because ignorant family and friends might view their sub list judge them. Does not mean they're not watching, just not subing.

      Only channels that don't discuss the J e w i s h issue get the treated fairly.

    3. I meant "...get theirs treated fairly".


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