Monday, November 23, 2015

33 115 322 | 'Very Exceptional Situation', Belgium Terror Alert Headlines

Let us not forget this is taking place in '33' land.

Belgium = 2+5+3+7+9+3+4 = 33


  1. Sky News on the night of Sun 22/11/2015

    Belgian PM Charles Martel, ahem, Michel warns of terror attacks:
    "Like in Paris" = 123
    Footage of Home Office Rehearsal drill with crisis actors and the announcer says that Britiain had "choreagraphed" a response back in June, 2015 in London.
    "choreagraphed" = 123

    I shmell conshpirashy !

    1. I meant to type"choreographed" which does indeed = 123.
      There was also a segment of interview with Patrick Pelloux of Charlie Hebdo fame and it was lucky for some on Friday the 13th that he and others were able to put some of their drill skills - acquired that morning - to use on that very night.
      He touched his nose like a liar when he was saying that.


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