Sunday, November 22, 2015

33 74 96 113 153 | Kansas City Chiefs at San Diego Chargers, November 22, 2015 (November 22 Reminders)

Notice Kansas City defeated San Diego 33-3.

KC = 113
Kansas City = 11+1+14+19+1+19+3+9+20+25 = 122
San Diego = 19+1+14+4+9+5+7+15 = 74 (Often paired with 33)

In the losing effort, the Kansas City running backs had 153 rushing yards, a number that has a connection to 113, through KC = 133 (K = 11; C=).

One = 6+5+5 = 16
Hundred = 8+3+5+4+9+5+4 = 38
Fifty = 6+9+6+2+7 = 30
Three = 2+8+9+5+5 = 29
One Hundred Fifty Three = 113 (KC = 113)

In the Bible, there is the 'miraculous' catch of 153 fish.

Fish = 6+9+1+8 = 24/33
Fish = 6+9+19+8 = 42

The leading rusher, Spencer Ware, also had 96 rushing yards.  Notice his initials, S.W.

S.W. = 19+23 = 42 (Fish = 42)

Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96
The NFL was created by Freemasons

Today's date, the date of 33-3 game, is 11/22 (11+22 = 33), it was the 52-year anniversary of the assassination of JFK today.  In 1963, the Chicago Bears defeated the New York Giants in the 'NFL Championship Game' on December 29, 1963.

12/29/1963 = 1+2+2+9+1+9+6+3 = 33
12/29/1963 = 12+29+(1+9+6+3) = 60
12/29/1963 = 12+29+19+63 = 123
12/29/63 = 12+29+63 = 104

JFK was the 44th Term President, Obama is the 44th President.  Obama has Chicago connections, like who won the Super Bowl in '63, the year of JFK's assassination.

11/22/63 = 11+22+63 = 96
Freemason = 96
Kennedy  = 2+5+5+5+5+4+7 = 33

Today the Redskins lost with '44' points to the Carolina Panthers.

Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
The Redskins are from Washington D.C.
Losing with 44 points on the anniversary date of the JFK assassination?

1 comment:

  1. Today is a 33 day - 11+22 =33. Its also a 48 day if we add the 15. Next Sunday will be the 48th week, and the 333rd day of the year. Todays 33-3 score adds alot of fuel to the fire.

    November Twenty Ninth =266. If we Multiply 33x3 =99. There are 99 days left in the year from the 266th day, Sept 23. September Twenty Three =266.

    Chiefs Chargers - C C - 3 3.


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