Notice the date of the 1964 NFL Championship Game. This is the last time in the history of Cleveland, their team won a professional championship game. In this case, they defeated the Baltimore Colts, 27-0.
The Colts finished 12-2 that year.
The Championship Game was on December 27, 1964.
12/27/1964 = 12+27+19+64 = 122 (San Francisco = 122)
12/27/1964 = 12+27+(1+9+6+4) = 59 (San Francisco = 59)
12/27/1964 = 1+2+2+7+1+9+6+4 = 32
12/27/64 = 12+27+64 = 103
With regards to the San Francisco connections through Gematria, they are hosting the Super Bowl on February 7, or 2/7, kind of like 27, the score they lost by, 27-0.
Today the Colts won on the 33rd parallel, in the '64 Championship they lost to the only team from a '33' named city, Cleveland.
ATL = 1+20+12 = 33 (On the 33rd Parallel)
Cleveland = 3+3+5+4+5+3+1+5+4 = 33 (Cleveland, OH = 47) (First Super Bowl in 47th Season)
What is also interesting to note, is that the score of the game summed to 45, and this year will mark 45-years since they fist won the Super Bowl, as the Baltimore Colts.
One last point, the Colts had 74-yarsds rushing, a number that often goes with 33. Today, the Colts were on the 33rd Parallel, and the date was 11/22... 11+22 = 33.

Ryan had 46 attempts, the reflection of '64. Could be a coincidence.
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