Sunday, November 22, 2015

33 45 64 74 122 | The Colts 24-21 Win Over the Falcons and NFL Championship Game 1964, Browns over Colts

Notice the date of the 1964 NFL Championship Game.  This is the last time in the history of Cleveland, their team won a professional championship game.  In this case, they defeated the Baltimore Colts, 27-0.

The Colts finished 12-2 that year.

The Championship Game was on December 27, 1964.

12/27/1964 = 12+27+19+64 = 122 (San Francisco = 122)
12/27/1964 = 12+27+(1+9+6+4) = 59 (San Francisco = 59)
12/27/1964 = 1+2+2+7+1+9+6+4 = 32
12/27/64 = 12+27+64 = 103

With regards to the San Francisco connections through Gematria, they are hosting the Super Bowl on February 7, or 2/7, kind of like 27, the score they lost by, 27-0.

Today the Colts won on the 33rd parallel, in the '64 Championship they lost to the only team from a '33' named city, Cleveland.

ATL = 1+20+12 = 33 (On the 33rd Parallel)
Cleveland = 3+3+5+4+5+3+1+5+4 = 33 (Cleveland, OH = 47) (First Super Bowl in 47th Season)

What is also interesting to note, is that the score of the game summed to 45, and this year will mark 45-years since they fist won the Super Bowl, as the Baltimore Colts.

One last point, the Colts had 74-yarsds rushing, a number that often goes with 33.  Today, the Colts were on the 33rd Parallel, and the date was 11/22... 11+22 = 33.

Ryan had 46 attempts, the reflection of '64.  Could be a coincidence.

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