Sunday, November 22, 2015

68 144 | Donald Trump, 'Maybe he should've been roughed up' to Black Lives Protestor, November 22

Maybe = 4+1+7+2+5 = 19
he = 8+5 = 13
should've = 1+8+6+3+3+4+4+5 = 34/43
been = 2+5+5+5 = 17
roughed = 9+6+3+7+8+5+4 = 42
up = 7+3 = 10
Maybe he should've been roughed up = 135/144

Notice this remark is from a 'white' man about a 'black' lives protester... likely a setup media stunt.

Mercutio = 4+5+9+3+3+2+9+6 = 41
Southall = 1+6+3+2+8+1+3+3 = 27/36
Mercutio Southall = 68/77 (Barack Obama = 68) (MLK assassinated in '68)

Mercutio = 13+5+18+3+21+20+9+15 = 104
Southall = 19+15+21+20+8+1+12+12 = 108
Mercutio Southall = 212

This comes on the date of the John F. Kennedy assassination.

Look at CNN's sub headline with the 59 minutes ticker...

Negro = 59
Slave = 59
Blues = 59
Motown Records came out in '59...


  1. Check out the Bush Family wedding story. First a NWO wedding with purple lighting, nice. Even the B S story about his Neck=33 (14+5+3+11) and the "Padded Neck Brace"=96 is a Masonic wink to his nauseating Freemason=96 Brothers. The old man even got a KIss from the "TWINS"....... Jenna Bush=9 Letters and Barbara Bush=11 Letters. Wink wink say no more

    1. Neck Brace = 149 in Jewish Gematria...
      Skull and Bones = 149....
      Bush family is from New Haven, CT... just like Skull and Bones.
      Great work


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