The numbers tell the story.
Matthew = 4+1+2+2+8+5+5 = 27 (Matt = 4+1+2+2 = 9)
Griswold = 7+9+9+1+5+6+3+4 = 44
Bevin = 2+5+4+9+5 = 25
Matt Bevin = 34
Matthew Griswold Bevin = 96
Matthew = 13+1+20+20+8+5+23 = 90 (Matt = 13+1+20+20 = 54)
Griswold = 7+18+9+19+23+15+12+4 = 107
Bevin = 2+5+22+9+14 = 52
Matt Bevin = 106
Matthew Griswold Bevin = 249
1/9/1967 = 1+9+19+67 = 96
1/9/1967 = 1+9+(1+9+6+7) = 33
1/9/1967 = 1+9+1+9+6+7 = 33
1/9/67 = 1+9+67 = 77
Notice the 96 coding in his name and his birth. His initials MB break down to 42 as well.
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42
Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96
Are they born to be, or grown in labs or do they change their life stats? This is the question.
The Repubs lost a Congressman last night @ 11:40 pm (114)
Former Congressman