Monday, November 16, 2015

33 39 93 96 | Charlie Sheen Said to Have HIV (What His Birthday Has to Do With It)

First up, I imagine this story might transition to "AIDS" in the near future, what HIV often leads to.

AIDS = 1+9+4+19 = 33
Sheen = 1+8+5+5+5 = 24/33
9/3/1965 = 9+3+1+9+6+5 = 33

Call this a page out of the old 'Magic' playbook.

Magic = 13+1+7+9+3 = 33

Also, with Charlie Hebdo in the headlines over the weekend, what are the odds of another Charlie coming up?

Below you will notice Charlie's birthday is September 3, an interesting date in regards to HIV.

HIV = 8+9+22 = 39
3/9, September 3
Propaganda = 16+18+15+16+1+7+1+14+4+1 = 93 (9/3, September 3)

First, notice that his birthday has numerology of '96' as well as 33, both being trademarks of the gang.

9/3/1965 = 9+3+19+65 = 96
9/3/1965 = 9+3+(1+9+6+5) = 33
9/3/65 = 9+3+65 = 77


  1. Today's date is 11/16
    11+16 = 27

    Aids in English Gematria Equals: 198
    19+8 = 27

    Hiv in English Gematria Equals: 234
    23+4 = 27

    1+1+16 = 18

    Aids in English Gematria Equals: 198
    1+9+8 = 18

    1+1+1+6+2+0+1+5 = 17

    Charlie Sheen in Simple Gematria Equals: 107

    See how everything connects?... this is why they chose today to make the announcement.

    1. also remember how i see said they code 9's and 6's upside down?

      Date: 11/19
      1+1+1+9 = 12

      Charlie Sheen in English Gematria Equals: 642
      6+4+2 = 12

    2. Great work! You mentioned 107 is equivalent to Charlie Sheen, check out what else has Gematria of 107... Tiger Blood! Look at all the other words that resonate with 107, tiger blood and Charlie Sheen:
      On this list are very sacred and offensive words. George Bush=107 and most people won't know it, but they will subconsciously link Bush 41, 43 and Obama the 44th president to this narrative. This is a major psychological operation in the works.
      And interestingly if we get deep into the Gematria, it connects to all the Paris hoaxes smh... I imagine Charles Manson is going to make headlines in coming months as well. They won't miss an opportunity to link the drug war, free love aka promiscuity, racism, The Beatles, Roman Polanski/pedophilia/rape and Manson murders to these other kill and sex related stories. Oddly, if they do this, it brings the millennial generation to these stories from last century through Nicki Minaj and her counterparts such as Meek Mill, Drake, Rick Ross, Kanye West, Jay-Z, etc to the entire current terror narrative, including this HIV story that Charlie Sheen is going to talk to the world about. All the rumors about how Eazy-E contracted HIV came up again recently after Straight Outta Compton movie was released. Both Frost and Jerry Heller told the public that Eazy likely contracted HIV during acupuncture treatments he received.

    3. Oh yeah I just remembered, they already linked Kanye and Jay-Z to terrorism and racism:
      Here is another important story that connects to the others:
      This story would have stayed within the Black Conscious Community had it not hit Worldstarhiphop and Infowars. It went viral though, so it's part of the story we are watching unfold. Check out where the girl in the video is from, one hint it's not Japan! Sa Neter, the guy who went off on her, is very influential in Harlem NY and on the Internet. He has a photo display of lynchings and beatings of black people that he puts up every day on 125th in Harlem; and he will get a white person to bow down and kiss his feet and say they are sorry for racism and slavery if they let him dog them out like that. This is crazy how everything connects. I think we are coming upon one of the biggest media hoax rounds in modern world history. Because all the stories connect to the others and this Paris story was so vicious, it's going to have a strong effect on people all over the world.

    4. My fault, the youtube video after the infowars link isn't necessary to watch to get the whole story. I thought it had the 12 minute video of how they tricked the girl to say the word then got mad at her. This is a video of the altercation without editing:

    5. Lol Sa Neter thinks he's slick, he even edited that video I just posted to show the end of the confrontation up front, then show how the thing unfolded after his dramatic intro. So people will think she said nigga first, but if you watch closely she was coaxed into saying the word and then they got mad at her. This is a very racist scenario that got a lot of attention from people of all generations and backgrounds. I know it seems random, but if you watch the Jay-Z Kanye Niggas In Paris video, the other videos and then think about how we just talked about how this Charlie Sheen and Paris story connects, and then look up recent stories about Charlie Sheen and racism, it's easy to see this is a running narrative meant to feed them wanting the American race war based in slavery, institutional racism, police misconduct and the prison industrial complex to go international. They are getting ready to shift the old model of the prison industrial complex to cyber crimes and use drug slavery to disarm people and turn their brains into cyborg mush. They created the drug war mainly to spread addiction all over the world. Now that they have people addicted, they will decriminalize and set up a type of martial law for drug users. I saw physical documents about this in 1997. I didn't know how widespread computer use would be by now. So I imagine that virtual reality will somehow play into people giving up almost all their human rights for drug administration and access to virtual reality networks.

    6. wow this video was so funny. at one point he says "what have my people contributed to the world?" she says "i don't know where you're from, i don't know your history" and he says "IM A NIGGER. MY PEOPLE ARE NIGGERS. WHAT HAVE THE NIGGERS CONTRIBUTED"

      so retarded and they try to make it seem like shes racist and shit, all she said was the the word "nigga" refers to black people.

      "don't tell her you're a nigger reggie!"

  2. Charlie Sheen AIDS Coverup =123 (USA USA USA)

    Sheen No Longer Winning =115 (Power Grid / Blackout Date)

    1. Black Friday Bombing in Jewish Gematria Equals: 676
      67+6 = 73

      Black Friday this year is on 11/27/2015
      11+27+20+15 = 73

      Black Friday Bombing in English Gematria Equals: 924 = 15 (like the year)

      Black Friday Bombing in Simple Gematria Equals: 154
      15+4 = 19 or 1/5+4 = 1/9

      11/27 = 11/2+7 = 11/9 = 119


  3. OT, but to go along with G.S.' football theory, the Bengals (the land of 65/56) on their first drive had two penalties, one from a player from Atlanta (#65), and the other from a player who went to Stanford.

  4. To elaborate on the 65/56 for Cincinnati, for anyone interested, Bengals = 165 (in Jewish Gematria), Cincinnati Bengals = 156, and 56 (in Marty Leeds' method), Cincinnati Ohio = 65, Cincinnati ranks 65th highest population in U.S. and a very old nickname, Porkopolis = 56. Paul Brown Stadium = 65 and 56 (Leeds) and the stadium broke ground on a date with 56 numerology. Andy Dalton's nickname The Red Rifle = 65, and to tie it all in a nice little bow, wikipedia is sure to mention that his favorite bible verse is 1 Peter 5:6.

  5. Let's also not forget Charlie Sheen's 20 minutes with the President:

    Zach guess what date this posted to Infowars' website?
    September 8, 2009

    That is a special day to both of us lol, that was my 32nd birthday as well as your Mother's birthday right? I heard you say her birthday in one of your videos and was like wow, that's cool lol. I wonder if you know that September 8th is the Birthday of The Virgin Mother Mary, Auset and Isis. The Christian Feast Day for Mary is 9/8 and Mass begins on 9/7 for the Holy Day. Remember the story of Virgin Mary really goes back to Egypt/Kemet, as Mary is Auset/Ast/Isis and one of the 5 Neteru that the Goddess Nut gives birth to with the help of Tehuti/Thoth the Moon God, after Ra, the Sun God, forbade her from having children. The 5 Neteru represent the 5 extra days of the year that make the circle of the year 365 days and not 360 as circles usually are. This is Sacred Geometry. Whenever you see the number 153, the date of September 8th is working in the given narrative.

    1. My mom's birthday is September 8. My sister' birthday is 12/7, mine is 7/21. Wow, you have give me a world of information with all of these brilliant comments, thank you Robin, your work has made this post 1,000 more rich!

    2. oops I replied to you Zach, but it didn't connect to your comment =) see below

  6. Charlie and ISIS have the same Simple English Gematria. 56
    Sheen and "T Cell" have the same Jewish Gematria. 148

    HIV attacks T Cells. I think it's an attack foreshadowing. I don't know how to deduce the location of the attack, however.

  7. Wow so many awesome comments here, great work everyone! What a weird story! I've just been breaking down Team America foreshadowing for Paris and remember in that movie there's a musical called Lease (121/42) with the song EVERYONE HAS AIDS =170, like the 107 of Charlie Sheen / Tiger Blood.

  8. Yay happy to be of service. =) Both you and your sister's birthday's are very sacred too. Your birthday is the first day of the sidereal Zodiac constellation Cancer. Your Sun sign is Leo in tropical astrology, but that has to do with magic and magnetic fields not the placement of the Sun. The Sun is physically located in Cancer for the first day on July 21st; and Cancer is the Goddess frequency of Auset/Ast/Isis and number 4. Welcome to the 44 club. We will show them what they can do with that kill number lol. People would think Virgo is Auset, but actually Virgo is the frequency of the number 6 and Sefkhet-Abwy/Seshat, the Goddess of writing and measurement. Your sister's birthday is 9 days into the constellation Ophiuchus, which is the number 9, Imhotep in actual world history and the Goddess Bast. There are masculine frequencies all through the Zodiac, like Leo is 5, Ausar/Osiris. We just all happen to be on team Goddess lol. Imhotep was a man, but the magic he was working with was feminine. This is not saying you are feminine as a man, but you will have sensitivities that other men won't be able to correlate with. I think this is what gives you such a caring and helpful spirit that is able to break these Masonic codes. Btw my son's father was born two days after you lol. I wish he was more like you truth be told. Two days made all the difference in the world in terms of character, vision and the ability to see your goals through to completion.

  9. My first name = 44 ..... i was born 7/20


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