Thursday, November 19, 2015

October 20, 2015, US Tests New Nuclear Gravity Bomb

Maestro caught this story, I had missed it.  To me, it looks like more fear mongering.


  1. Perhaps, B61-12 = 261 minus 12 =249.

    249= Ordo ab Chao / Novus Ordo Seclorum / Discipline / End of Time / Iran Black Hole / Military Dictatorship

  2. I was looking for a countdown/conspiracy angle.....123-321.

    Nuclear Gravity Bomb BFAAB =1320. Continued Commitment To Security =2310.

  3. Lupercalia & Thelema meet for this one.

    Gravity= 7+9+1+4+9+2+7= 39

    Bomb= 2+6+4+2 = 14

    Look how Gravity has 1+4 coded within and Bomb has Thelemas' 6+4 coded within.

    Nov. 17 2015 the day this article was written date #'s

    63, 54, 43, 18 !?

    Brendan Byrne who wrote this article = 59 (like the Paris Perp)

    Nevada desert=46

    The 8 Billion the spent on The new Nuclear Program.

    Eight Billion = 68 (Pythag.)

    Eight Billion= 122 (Ordinal) Trainwreck releases on DVD this week


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