Wednesday, June 3, 2015

44 93 118 | Lance Armstrong and 'Live Strong' Cancer Charity

The name 'Lance Armstrong' has much in common with the word 'kill' in Gematria.
  •  Lance = 3+1+5+3+5 = 17
  • Armstrong = 1+9+4+1+2+9+6+5+7 = 44
  • Kill 2+9+3+3 = 17
  • Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
Lance was born September 19, 1971, a date which produces interesting numerology.
  • 9/19/1971 = 9+19+19+71 = 118
  • 9/19/1971 = 9+1+9+1+9+7+1 = 37
  • 9/19/1971 = 9+19+(1+9+7+1) = 46
  • 9/19/71 = 9+19+71 = 99
Recall Lance's Nike campaign, 'Live Strong'?
  • Just Do It = 10+21+19+20+4+15+9+20 = 118
  • Lance Armstrong has a birth numerology connection to 118 (above)
Also, Live Strong is interesting in Gematria.
  • Live = 12+9+22+5 = 48
  • Strong = 19+20+18+15+14+7 = 93 (Nike = 14+9+11+5 = 39)(39:93)
  • Live Strong = 141
Do you think the charity was a conspiracy?  I do.
  • Live Strong = 3+9+4+5+1+2+9+6+5+7 = 51
  • Conspiracy = 3+6+5+1+7+9+9+1+3+7 = 51


  1. After years of wondering why the word "strong" is added to so many event tag lines, it finally makes sense. It's a '93' gematria tribute to Saturn/Satan worship.

    Just as "gate" is added to every scandal in order to get the '33' gematria coded in. It's all finally making sense. There is no debate. This is not coincidence.

    Thanks Zach!

    1. Thanks, what made you choose that number combination for a title?

    2. A few reasons. Firstly, the sequence means something in simple gematria. Secondly, I want people to inquire as to what it is and what it means so those not familiar with the practice of numerology and gematria might dig into the topic. Third, it is my wish that one day the average Joe will begin to use and understand gematria. I can't see a better way to help the people see behind the curtain.

      It is my belief that western society is scripted and coded via numerology. The sooner we all become aware of this reality, the sooner we break our chains.


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