This past school shooting from Ohio has the Freemasonry signatures.
Notice that it took place on the 58th day of the year.
Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58
Shooting on 58th day of the year
Notice the date of the shooting, February 27, 2012. February 27 is a date associated with Pi, cycles and circles, and these shooting hoaxes are definitely on a mathematical "loop".
2/27/2012 = 2+27+20+12 = 61
2/27/2012 = 2+27+(2+0+1+2) = 34 (Murder)
2/27/2012 = 2+2+7+2+0+1+2 = 16
2/27/12 = 2+27+12 = 41 (13th Prime)
TJ Lane = 20+10+12+1+14+5 = 62 (Mason)
TJ Lane = 2+1+3+1+5+5 = 17 (Mason)
They say TJ Lane was 17-years old.
Kill = 2+9+3+3 = 17
Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
Notice that he pleaded guilty on March 19, 2013. This is the 78th day of the year. Again, records spin at 78 miles per hour, another symbolic number for cycles, numbers that are used frequently in these hoaxes. This date also ties in with his full name, Thomas Michael Lane.
Thomas = 2+8+6+4+1+1 = 22/31
Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Lane = 3+1+5+5 = 14
Thomas Michael Lane = 69/78
Making matters even more interesting, are TJ Lane's prison escape on September 11, 2014. Stories such as this bring the psy-ops more clearly into focus.
Daniel = 4+1+5+9+5+3 = 27 (Shot on the 27th)
Parmertor = 7+1+9+4+5+9+2+6+9 = 52
Daniel Parmertor = 79 (Murder)
Daniel = 4+1+14+9+5+12 = 45
Parmertor = 16+1+18+13+5+18+20+15+18 = 124
Daniel Parmertor = 169
Russell = 9+3+1+1+5+3+3 = 25/43
King = 2+9+5+7 = 23
Jr. = 1+9 = 10
Russell King Jr. = 58/76
Russell = 18+21+19+19+5+12+12 = 106
King = 11+9+14+7 = 41 (Shooting on date with '41' numerology)
Jr. = 10+18 = 28
Russell King Jr. = 175
Demetrius = 4+5+4+5+2+9+9+3+1 = 42/51
Hewlin = 8+5+5+3+9+5 = 35
Demetrius Hewlin = 77/86
Demetrius = 4+5+13+5+20+18+9+21+19 = 114
Hewlin = 8+5+23+12+9+14 = 71
Demetrius Hewlin = 185
Notice that Demetrius has name gematria of '42' and died on a date with 42 numerology.
2/28/2012 = 2+28+20+12 = 62 (TJ Lane) (Mason)
2/28/2012 = 2+28+(2+0+1+2) = 35
2/28/2012 = 2+2+8+2+0+1+2 = 17 (TJ Lane) (Mason)
2/28/12 = 2+28+12 = 42 (Freemason) (Demetrius)
He also died on the 59th day of the year, a number connected to 'kill'.
It is no surprise the 'teacher heroes' both have '33 names'.
Notice the last names, Hall and Ricci.
Frank = 6+18+1+14+11 = 50
Hall = 8+1+12+12 = 33
Frank Hall = 83
Frank = 6+9+1+5+2 = 23
Hall = 8+1+3+3 = 15
Frank Hall = 38 (Death)
Joseph = 1+6+1+5+7+8 = 28/37
Ricci = 9+9+3+3+9 = 33
Joseph Ricci = 61/70 (Like the date of the shooting, 61 numerology)
Joseph = 10+15+19+5+16+8 = 73
Ricci = 18+9+3+3+9 = 42 (Freemason)
Joseph Ricci = 115 (Killing, Jewish Gematria) (Freemasons)
Notice that the shooter's full name is Thomas Michael Lane III. Keep in mind he used a .22 in the shooting...
Thomas = 2+8+6+4+1+1 = 22/31 (.22 used in shooting)
Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Lane = 3+1+5+5 = 14
III = 9+9+9 = 27
Thomas Michael Lane = 69/78 (Sentenced on 78th day of the year)
Thomas Michael Lane III = 96/105 (Freemason = 96) (Zionism & Masonry = 105)
Thomas = 20+8+15+13+1+19 = 76
Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51
Lane = 12+1+14+5 = 32
Thomas Michael Lane = 159
Further, notice his December 30, 2011 Facebook post is regarded as a hint at the shooting to come. That post came 59-days before the actual shooting. Again, 59 is the kill number in Jewish Gematria. On the 59th day of the year, one victim died and another was pronounced brain dead, at least so the story goes.
You ever notice a lot of these happen in a
ReplyDeleteBorder Town---1311, 804, 134
I live near chardon and the sheeple had red heart stickers on their cars with the date 2/27/12 after this hoax. Its funny that I drive by the intersection of RT 322 and RT 44 every day that runs through Chardon. This happened 144 days before the batman aurora shooting
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I didn't move to ohio, been noticing a lot of psychology operations hoaxs
ReplyDeleteThe Gnostics = 139