Friday, March 4, 2016

34 43 44 86 105 111 666 | The death of Arthur "Bud" Collins at 86, March 4, 2016

86, we know that number.

Symbol = 86
Triangle = 86
Pyramid = 86
Arthur = 86 (Bud Collins, born "Arthur" Collins)

Notice he covered 44 Wimbledon Championships.  Also notice the date below that is referenced, September 4, 2011.

9/4/2011 = 9+4+20+11 = 44
44 Wimbledon Championships covered

Arthur = 1+9+2+8+3+9 = 32 (Bud = 2+3+4 = 9)
Worth = 5+6+9+2+8 = 30
Collins = 3+6+3+3+9+5+1 = 30/39
Jr. = 1+9 = 10
Arthur Worth Collins Jr. = 102/111
Bud Collins = 39/48

Arthur = 1+18+20+8+21+18 = 86 (Dead at 86) (Bud = 2+21+4 = 27)
Worth = 23+15+18+20+8 = 84
Collins = 3+15+12+12+9+14+19 = 84
Jr. = 10+18 = 28
Arthur Worth Collins Jr. = 282
Bud Collins = 111 (666, English Gematria)

6/17/1929 = 6+17+19+29 = 71
6/17/1929 = 6+17+(1+9+2+9) = 44
6/17/29 = 6+17+29 = 52

3/4/2016 = 3+4+20+16 = 43 (Wimbledon = 43)
3/4/2016 = 3+4+2+0+1+6 = 16
3/4/16 = 3+4+16 = 23

March 4 is commonly written as 4/3, a lot like 43, which again, correspond with Wimbledon, which Arthur Collins is best remembered for covering.

Arthur passed 105-days before his 85th birthday.

Zionism = 26+9+15+14+9+19+13 = 105
Masonry = 13+1+19+15+14+18+25 = 105

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