Notice his birth numerology corresponds with his name.
12/29/1973 = 12+29+19+73 = 133
12/29/1973 = 12+29+(1+9+7+3) = 61 (Chad Lamont Butler)
12/29/1973 = 1+2+2+9+1+9+7+3 = 34 (Murder)
12/29/73 = 12+29+73 = 114 (Bun B, 114 birth numerology as well)
12/29 = 12+29 = 41
He died at age 33, 25-days before his 34th birthday. Murder = 34
12/4/2007 = 12+4+20+07 = 43
12/4/2007 = 12+4+(2+0+0+7) = 25 (Dead 25 days before 34th birthday)
12/4/2007 = 1+2+4+2+0+0+7 = 16
12/4/07 = 12+4+07 = 23
12/4 = 12+4 = 16 (Sixteen = 33) (Dead at 33)
The year 2007 alone, also has the '27' connection, the fateful number for musicians.
2007 = 20+07 = 27
His death came 113-days before Bun-B's 34th birthday. Bun B is the surviving member of UGK.
Mainstream = 113; Dishonest = 113
It was also a total span of 114-days, which is interesting, because both men have '114' birth numerology.
3/19/1973 = 3+19+19+73 = 114
3/19/1973 = 3+19+(1+9+7+3) = 42 (Freemason)
3/19/1973 = 3+1+9+1+9+7+3 = 33 (Masonry)
3/19/73 = 3+19+73 = 95
3/19 = 3+19 = 22
His date of birth can be written 19/3, a lot like '193', the 44th prime number. Kill = 44
One wonders if Bun B was born into Freemasonry?
Pimp C's death was blamed on consuming too much 'Purple Drank'. He and Bun B were artists on the related song, 'Sippin' On Some Syrup'. Sippin' On Some Syrup = 92/119
Purple = 88; Poison = 88
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