Wednesday, December 16, 2015

44 144 | Medicine and Psychiatry, the Gematria Tells the Tale

Think about the relationship between '44' and '144'.  I've always known to stay away from pills... except due to migraines, I've always been partial to ibuprofen.


  1. mental health" in the English Ordinal system equals 119 (13+5+14+20+1+12+0+8+5+1+12+20+8)

    "mental health" in the English Reduction system equals 47 (4+5+5+2+1+3+0+8+5+1+3+2+8)

    The man who is credited for discovery of chemical and surgical lobotomy:

    "António Egas Moniz" in the English Reduction equals - 74

    Lobotomy procedure" in the English Ordinal system equals 222

    "leukotomy" in the English Reduction system equals 38

  2. Feverfew works wonders on migraines. Naturally.


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