Tuesday, February 16, 2016

39 47 54 86 93 | The death of Boutros Boutros-Ghali, U.N. Secretary General

Boutros = 2+6+3+2+9+6+1 = 29/38 (Death = 38)
Boutros = 2+6+3+2+9+6+1 = 29/38
Ghali = 7+8+1+3+9 = 28
Boutros Boutros-Ghali = 86/104

Boutros = 20+15+21+20+18+15+19 = 128
Boutros = 20+15+21+20+18+15+19 = 128
Ghali = 7+8+1+12+9 = 37
Boutros Boutros-Ghali = 293

11/14/1922 = 11+14+19+22 = 66
11/14/1922 = 11+14+(1+9+2+2) = 39 (Dead at 93)
11/14/1922 = 1+1+1+4+1+9+2+2 = 21
11/14/22 = 11+14+22 = 47

2/16/2016 = 2+16+20+16 = 54
2/16/2016 = 2+16+(2+0+1+6) = 27 (27, associated with death)
2/16/2016 = 2+1+6+2+0+1+6 = 18 (6+6+6)
2/16/16 = 2+16+16 = 34 (Murder = 34)

February 16 is the 47th day of the year, matching his birth numerology of '47'.  It is interesting to note that November 14, is the day that leaves 47-days left in the year, and he has passed now on the 47th day of the year.

Also notice that he has passed away at age 93, on a date with '54' numerology.  As I routinely point out, 54 and 93 are often paired together in celebrity deaths and more.  He was also born on a date with '39' numerology, the reflection of the age he has died at.

The CNN link below should update with more details shortly.



  1. 93+54 = .. 147 ..

    Ghali Dies" in the English Ordinal system equals 74 /83

    Ghali Dies" in the English Reduction system equals 47

    Boutros-Boutros Ghali Dies" in the English Reduction system equals 105 / 132
    (Difference of 27. 2+16+(2+0+1+6)= 27)

    319 Days Left 'till the end of the year.

    three one nine" in the English Ordinal system equals 132

    three hundred nineteen" in the English Ordinal system equals 216 (Feb. 16th)

    UN Boutros-Boutros Ghali Dies" in the English Ordinal system equals 329

    UN Boutros-Boutros Ghali Dies" in the English Reduction system equals 113 / 140

    one forty" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    one forty" in the English Ordinal system equals 118

    2+16+16= 34
    2+16+20+16= 54
    2+16+(2+0+1+6)= 27
    2+1+6+(2+0+1+6)= 18

    34+54+27+18= .. 133 ..

    "Boutros-Boutros Gahli" in the English Reduction system equals 86 / 104

    133 - 86 = .. 47 ..

    133- 104 = .. 29 ..

    sixth secretary general of the united nations" in the English Reduction system equals 187 / 196

  2. Boutros Boutros Ghali =1189. Donald J Trump =1189.


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