Sunday, February 7, 2016

404 | Cam Newton does not attempt to recover his fumble, Super Bowl 50 rigging confirmed entry # infinity

Cam Newton's fumbles ball, does not attempt to recover it, nor does anyone else on Panthers team, setting up nearly guaranteed Super Bowl win for Broncos.  If people want to say the players aren't in on it, all I can say is, "you're fucking blind".

And I love the time, 4:04.

If the Broncos win 23-10, we get 'football' and 'race war' coding all at once.

Football = 6+15+15+20+2+1+12+12 = 83
83, the 23rd prime number

Race War = 9+1+3+5+5+1+9 = 33
23+10 = 33


  1. I figured that the score would add to 33 but I was thinkin 17-16.

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  4. We are watching it on cbs livestream. At 4:04 our feed stopped. Might have been something on our end.

    1. No, my feed stopped too. The clock was moving and we heard audio, but the actual game was frozen.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I was dying when Newton clearly backed off the ball. #58 also won the MVP LMAO. They panned in on #33 on Carolina an awful lot in this game too. This whole game was a Freemasonic tribute X a million.

    1. Exactly.
      The amount of $$$ being handed out at the Lodge to pay for the extra "effort" by CAR and the referees must be staggering.

  6. Oh the players know the script, they do as they are told. I knew a player a long time ago that played for New England, I asked him , man that must have been great and he was silent, and then he just said, we go in do our job, and come back to the bench. That is ALL he would ever say. He would not talk about it.

  7. Carolina took one of the most obvious dives in NFL history. A full League effort.

    1. Don't forget the only reason they were there is because the league is scripted. The whole thing is a joke.

    2. False. That bronco dive two year prior was a bigger one.

  8. God...I saw this...and I was like how do people not know? I looked up the headline cause I knew it was gonna be top headlines or whatever, and it was written off as a "business decision" that he didn't jump after the ball cause he would have gotten hurt.

  9. How do you cope Zach...? ....coping with the fact out entire REALITY is fake....a stage...deaths are scriped, lives/sacrifices are taken as tributes....written off as accidents. I look to the news....none of it is real. I look to sports, none of it is real. Dude...whats real man? Whats your perception of reality?

  10. Reality is what you make of it on a daily basis, a smorgussboard board of different colors, if you want it, or the same colors if you will, as is my home state, blue and orange, over and over, until there is a million of them gatherin' on the governors lawn.


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