Monday, February 8, 2016

An article on John Elway's Freemasonry connections



    I'm a sucker for the word Scottish and rabbit holes.

  2. First comment on your Zachs channel my pick for SB50 was 23 to 11 for denver I have read more than 500 posts of yours and watched every video since the summer thank you for the great work you do and the commitment you have made the world needs more truth givers for us truth seekers I don't bet don't want to make Los Vegas any richer. Now let us go back to November 3 post by Zack (there are others but can't find now lets look at the it says 3/4 Colorado St ahead, total score of game, down below sign says exit 142=24/10 you had it Zack don't listen to the idiots and shills keep on gematria they are all jealous that you discovered it first so they will always be last Thankyou Jeff age 61.


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