Monday, February 1, 2016

Professor Doom and TheScariestMovieEver teaming up to attack me... just wait until I put out my video...

The comments below, that YouTube won't let me respond to no matter how much I try, are in regards to Doom's second video attacking me, where he again makes the exact same points, without taking on what I criticized him for.  If any of you subscribe to these channels, wake up, stop supporting frauds.

Checkout these two messages from these frauds.


  1. ..and of course doom is Luciferian (mason). Fuck, look at his picture. Its a picture of "father time" with the scythe.

  2. You can probably make a 4 parter with all that's coming your way. They must have gotten a memo to crash Zach K. You'll come out shining as always, brother.

  3. If you're going to make a video about this; you might as well take on everyone, who has been slinging mud at you in one video series. You have the documented evidence and the truth on your side; just be organized before you produce the video. Good luck Zach.

  4. Fish in a barrel. I'm not in a hurry. I have more important videos to do first. I'm just letting you know, there's going to be tuna salad.

  5. Well I left Doomy a message, he will erase it but "what a complete piece of shit.. I have always felt that way... I enjoyed KJ stuff but he has been promoting scumbags lately.. Jeff C, Press reset earth, Doom, and even jumped on the NASA believer... So I am getting ready to jump ship.. I have had my disagreements with you Zach but I respect your work and know how hard you work on teaching people a skill. This ass clown tool Doom is a child in a big pool... And has know idea what is real research and truth.. Please destroy him by exposing him asking for $$$ and what groups he is involved in and who he really is......................!!!! thank you

    1. Oh really now? Seems you are just 1 of about 100 who has some bullshizzle to talk. Seems many more think differently. So makes them all wrong and you pissant 100 right? That is because you aren't! You just happen to be swinging off too many ball sacks to see what real research is.


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