Thursday, February 4, 2016

February 4, 2016, blog reaches 1,000,000 views, "119 Weeks later"

First post, October 24, 2013:

10/24/2013 = 10+24+20+13 = 67
10/24/2013 = 10+24+(2+0+1+3) = 40
10/24/2013 = 1+0+2+4+2+0+1+3 = 13 (My life number is 31)
10/24/13 = 10+24+13 = 47

The blog reached 1,000,000 view, at least according to Google, today, February 4, 2016.

2/4/2016 = 2+4+20+16 = 42 (History)
2/4/2016 = 2+4+2+0+1+6 = 15
2/4/16 = 2+4+16 = 22
2/4 = 2+4 = 6

The blog began October 24, 2013.  You should know, I did not choose to make this blog for reporting on  numerology or gematria, because I did not know what gematria was when I began, and numerology was something I understood very loosely.  Instead, I created it just to decode what information I did understand at the time, which is information I gathered from living with open eyes from September 11 up to when I began writing.  If you read my first post, you can see what I was writing about.   My goal was to stop the next September 11 from happening.  All the clues in the world were pointing to the next 9/11 having to do something with the Carolinas...

When I started, I thought the blog would be a place to post longer tellings from my mind about the unfortunate realities of the world we're currently living in, a few times a week, and why we must fight back- but once I found gematria, it began a theory and an active amount of decoding from daily headlines and history to see if there truly were any real patterns, which I found out within months there most definitely were.  At the time I decoded countries, states, historic dates, news and more, following the trails.  Once I started unraveling the ball, well, I haven't stopped yet.  ;)  The rest is history.

Thanks for reading!

According to google's ticker, it took exactly 119-weeks to the day for me to reach million views.  I think I know who is doing the counting...

Also, today is the first day I ever had more than 6,000 viewers in a single day.

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