Monday, May 7, 2018

13 87 98 101 105 | NBA Playoff rigging May 5, 2018 and May 6, 2018 (Just look at the scores0

On May 5, the Boston Celtics won 101 to 98 over Philadelphia.

Boston, Massachusetts = 55 (5/5 game)

Philadelphia = 101
National Basketball Associaton = 98

Then the Cavs won over the Raptors 105-103 on the LeBron James game-winner, making LeBron the first player to have two game-winners in the playoffs in the last 15-years, meaning the amount of time he has been in the NBA, and the league has been centered around him.

Again, this year is all about the 'Bible'.

Bible = 105; Masonry = 105; Zionism = 105

Notice both teams went up 3-0, 3-0...

Bible = 33; Cleveland = 33; LeBron = 33; James = 33

LeBron is 33...

NBA Finals = 33; Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33; Order = 33

The Warriors won by 26-points... Game = 26; God = 26

Oakland, California = 313 (65th prime); Game on 6/5, May 6

The Rockets, lead by #13, won by 13.

And notice the Jazz went down with 87.

James = 87

LeBron James vs. James Harden.

And about tonight's games...  remember they are on May 7, or 5/7

Earlier this year, LeBron scored 57-points, 57-days from his birthday.

NBA Finals = 57
The NBA Finals = 57

King James starting at 5:30...

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