Saturday, October 11, 2014

33 | Mexican Billionaire Calls for 33-Hour Work Week

On CNN I just witnessed Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim state that we're eventually going to a 3-day, 11-hour each workweek.  That means a sum of 33-hours a week.  His reasoning was just, stating that technology has made it so man does not need to work as much, so why should they?  I whole heartedly agree with him, so long as these changes to the "33-hour" workweek doesn't mean detrimental consequences for humanity.  It should be note that the word Mexican has a Gematria of "33".
  • Mexico = 4+5+6+9+3+6 = 33
  • Mexican = 4+5+6+9+3+1+5 = 33
  • The Mexican-American War ended on February 2, the 33rd day of the year...
How do you feel about the 33-hour work week?  CNN first posted this story on my birthday, July 21.  I was really busy that day or I probably would have caught it!

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