Friday, February 5, 2016

27 122 | The suspicious suicide of Peter William Ham, Badfinger, April 24, 1975

Someone asked if I could investigate this death this morning.  They said it was the first 'rockstar' death they could remember.

Peter = 7+5+2+5+9 = 28
William = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4 = 34
Ham = 8+1+4 = 13
Peter William Ham = 75 (Dead in '75)
Peter Ham = 41

Peter = 16+5+20+5+18 = 64
William = 23+9+12+12+9+1+13 = 79
Ham = 8+1+13 = 22
Peter William Ham = 165
Peter Ham = 86

4/27/1947 = 4+27+19+47 = 97
4/27/1947 = 4+27+(1+9+4+7) = 52
4/27/1947 = 4+2+7+1+9+4+7 = 34 (Murder)
4/27/47 = 4+27+47 = 78

4/24/1975 = 4+24+19+75 = 122 (Freemason)
4/24/1975 = 4+24+(1+9+7+5) = 50
4/24/1975 = 4+2+4+1+9+7+5 = 32
4/24/75 = 4+24+75 = 103

Notice this rockstar died at age 27, just three days before his 28th birthday.  He is accused of committing suicide in his house, with a pregnant girlfriend.  The day he died on, April 24, was the 114th day of the year, three days before his birthday on the 117th.

The manager's name tells the story.

Stan = 19+20+1+14 = 54
Polley = 16+15+12+12+5+25 = 85
Stan Polley = 139

Freemasonry = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14+18+25 = 139

His band was 'Badfinger'.

Badfinger = 2+1+4+6+9+5+7+5+9 = 48
Badfinger = 2+1+4+6+9+14+7+5+18 = 66


  1. Please do one on johnbenet Ramsey the little beauty pageant girl I always wondered if her parents ritually murdered her



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