Monday, February 1, 2016

42 96 | Frederick Douglass, Black History Month, & the February 1, 2016 Google Doodle

For the first day of February, black history month, we are given a google doodle of Frederick Douglass.

Frederick = 6+9+5+4+5+9+9+3+2 = 52
Douglass = 4+6+3+7+3+1+1+1 = 26/44
Frederick Douglass = 78/96 (Freemason = 96)

Frederick = 6+18+5+4+5+18+9+3+11 = 79
Douglass = 4+15+21+7+12+1+19+19 = 98
Frederick Douglass = 177

The specific date of Douglass's birth is not known, but his death is.  Just notice he was supposedly born in February, the same month he died.

2/20/1985 = 2+20+19+85 = 126
2/20/1985 = 2+20+(1+9+8+5) = 45
2/20/1985 = 2+2+0+1+9+8+5 = 27
2/20/85 = 2+20+85 = 107

Below are some of Douglass's most remembered quotes.

That third quote is why I used to teach elementary school children.  With children I have endless patience, with broken men, I often wish I could just put a bullet in their head.  In other words, I'm better suited for teaching children.

In light of the gematria of '96', it wouldn't surprise me at all if Frederick Douglass wasn't a slave, but instead, was a project, an agent, for the Masonic-Zionist influence of the time.  Based on what we've decoded about history, this thought shouldn't be too far out for many.

February = 6+5+2+9+3+1+9+7 = 42
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42
History = 8+9+1+2+6+9+7 = 42
Nigger = 5+9+7+7+5+9 = 42


  1. Zach can you please go and check out this youtube channel it is called newearth. The lady, her name is Sylvie Ivanowa has brought forth some compelling hypothesis suggesting that ALL our current history is a lie. She basically has studied ancient histories from around the planet and points out the lies.

    This is her main channel, and you can browse and find what you are drawn to.

    1. Good heads up, I will check it out. I already agree though, history in this world is 'the masonic record'.

  2. Just to add this link as a starting place. She is suggesting that all the PTB through centuries have used the trick of history 'erasure' to fool and rule over the masses. She also feels that the egyptian history may not be as ancient as we are led to believe. I leave this link here, perhaps others would like to explore this.


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