Tuesday, September 18, 2018

33 48 58 68 119 151 | The release of Michael Moore's Farenheit 11/9, September 21, 2018 +Farenheit 9/11, June 23, 2004

This movie is releasing September 21, 2018, a date with 68 numerology.

9/21/2018 = 9+21+20+18 = 68

Think about '68 in regards to September 11...

Further, the film is supposed to be about Donald Trump, announced as the 45th President, on teh anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, November 9, or 11/9.

The date also has 48 numerology.

9/21/18 = 9+21+18 = 48

Freemason = 48 (English and Hebrew)

In this case, Trump was the winner of the 58th U.S. Presidential Election and the title 'Farenheit' ties in.  Farenheit 11/9 sums to 58.

Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58

On the 58 tip, the original book, Fahrenheit 451, was 158-pages long, and released October 19, or 10/19... not too far off from 11/9...

The movie is being released 151-days after Moore's 64th birthday.

And for a little historical perspective, Farenheit 9/11 released on June 23, 2004, a date with numerology of 33, the big number on September 11, 2001, where 33-years earlier, was 1968,when 9-1-1 was made the national emergency dialing code, WTC construction began, and George W. Bush graduated from Yale and Skull and Bones.

6/23/04 = 6+23+04 = 33 (False Flag = 33) (Masonry = 33) (Secrecy = 33)

June 23 is also the 174th day of the year.

June 23?  23 is the 9th prime (69)
6/23/04 = 6+23+04 = 33
174th day of the year
The sequel released on a date with 48 numerology...  

And for one more kicker, notice that film released 1016 days after 9/11...

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