Wednesday, February 17, 2016

33 113 119 | Cenk Kadir Uygur & Ana The Young Turks (TYT)

Let us decode one of the biggest tools out there.  I fucking hate this guy.

Cenk = 3+5+5+2 = 15
Kadir = 2+1+4+9+9 = 25
Uygur = 3+7+7+3+9 = 29
Cenk Kadir Uygur = 69
Cenk Uygur = 44

Cenk = 3+5+14+11 = 33
Kadir = 11+1+4+9+18 = 43
Uygur = 21+25+7+21+18 = 92
Cenk Kadir Uygur = 168
Cenk Uygur = 125

3/21/1970 = 3+21+19+70 = 113 (Mainstream) (Dishonest) (Green Screen)
3/21/1970 = 3+21+(1+9+7+0) = 41
3/21/1970 = 3+2+1+1+9+7+0 = 23
3/21/70 = 3+21+70 = 94

The = 2+8+5 = 15
Young = 7+6+3+5+7 = 28
Turks =2+3+9+2+1 = 17/26
The Young Turks = 60/69

The = 20+8+5 = 33
Young = 25+15+21+14+7 = 82
Turks = 20+21+18+11+19 = 89
The Young Turks = 204

There's also his co-host.

Anahit = 1+5+1+8+9+2 = 26 (Ana = 1+5+1 = 7)
Misak = 4+9+1+1+2 = 17/26
Kasparian = 2+1+1+7+1+9+9+1+5 = 36/45
Anahit Misak Kasparian = 79/97

Anahit = 1+14+1+8+9+20 = 53 (Ana = 1+14+1 = 16)
Misak = 13+9+19+1+11 = 53
Kasparian = 11+1+19+16+1+18+9+1+14 = 90
Anahit Misak Kasparian = 196

7/7/1986 = 7+7+19+86 = 119 (All Seeing Eye) (Star of David)
7/7/1986 = 7+7+1+9+8+6 = 38
7/7/86 = 7+7+86 = 100

Has anyone asked themselves why these foreign nationals have become the most popular american radio show hosts?  Why are the people in this country so fucking stupid?  How is any of this possible?  Tools rule in this nation, that needs to change.

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