Tuesday, May 8, 2018

42 51 58 96 138 | Trump withdraws from Iran Nuclear Deal, May 8, 2018 (News by the numbers)


Today is May 8, or 5/8, like 58.

Again, Trump, who announced he was running for President from the 58-story Trump Tower, and who hired 58-year-old Steve Ray for the 58th U.S. Presidential Inauguration, after "winning" the 58th U.S. Presidential Election, is all part of one big Freemason ritual.

Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; United States = 58; Washington = 58
Freemason = 42; World War = 42; War = 42; Iran = 42; G = 42
Iran Nuclear Deal = 96; Divisors of 42 sum to 96
Iran Nuclear Deal = 138; Federal = 138; Donald Trump = 138
*Federal = 51; Conspiracy = 51; 5/8/2018 = 5+8+20+18 = 51

The date numerology of 51 reminds that on May 1, or 5/1, the White House made a "clerical error" about the wording of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Notice the agreement was made for the Iran Nuclear Deal on April 2, 2015, emphasis on 4/2, like 42.

Math = 42 / 66
Iran Nuclear Deal = 66


From April 2, 2015 until today, May 8, 2013, is a span of 1,133-days.

It is also 3-years, 1-month and 7-days, which reminds me of 317, the 66th prime.

Iran Nuclear Deal = 66

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