Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Moon goes by Saturn, July 15, 2019



  1. Really great to see you looking into things like this. I know of masons that are very much into the study of astrology.

  2. The headquarters of Chabad-Lubavitch is called 770 for the address 770 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn NY. They build replicas of 770 all over the world.

    770 headquarters were purchased on Tishabav.
    Tue, 13 August 1940 = 9th of Av, 5700
    ט׳ בְּאָב ת״ש
    Parashat Vaetchanan (in Diaspora)
    Tisha B'Av

    The gematria of Beis Moshiach (the house of Moshiach) is 770.'
    "בית משיח" = 770 (Hebrew Gematria)

    Strong's Hebrew: 770. אַרְנָן (Arnan) -- a descendant of David
    Strong's Concordance. Arnan: a descendant of David.

    There are 770 miles between the great mosque in mecca and the temple mount. The 770 conflict

    "770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY" = 115 (Full Reduction)
    "A President Of The United States" = 115 (Full Reduction)
    "President Donald John Trump" = 115 (Full Reduction)
    "Scottish Rite Freemasonry" = 115 (Full Reduction)
    "Israeli Prime Minister" = 115 (Full Reduction)

    And you should recognize this number
    "770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY" = 322 (English Ordinal)

    seven seven zero
    "שבע שבע אפס" = 111 (Hebrew Ordinal)
    "Beis Moshiach" = 111 (English Ordinal)

    770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11213 to Temple Mount Jerusalem
    From Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters to World Trade Tower is 4.777 miles = 4777 Duo of: 8011
    Sames as New zealand mosques zipcodes
    "Masjid Al Noor Mosque"
    101 Deans Ave, Riccarton, Christchurch 8011
    "Linwood Masjid Mosque"
    223A Linwood Ave, Linwood, Christchurch 8011


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