Friday, February 19, 2016

35 38 57 58 59 535 | Antonin Scalia's son will lead Saturday funeral mass, Obama to pay respects today, February 19, 2016

Celebrant, what a nice 'Catholic' word.

Celebrant = 3+5+3+5+2+9+1+5+2 = 35
Catholic = 3+1+2+8+6+3+9+3 = 35

'Funeral Mass' ties in nicely with Supreme Court.  Recall, Scalia is the first Roman-Catholic Justice in the history of the bench.

Funeral = 6+3+5+5+9+1+3 = 32
Mass = 4+1+1+1 = 7/25
Funeral Mass = 39/57

Supreme = 1+3+7+9+5+4+5 = 34/43
Court = 3+6+3+9+2 = 23
Supreme Court = 57/66

Rev = 9+5+4 = 18
Paul = 7+1+3+3 = 14
Scalia = 1+3+1+3+9+1 = 18/27
Rev Paul Scalia = 50/59

Rev = 18+5+22 = 45
Paul = 16+1+21+12 = 50
Scalia = 19+3+1+12+9+1 = 45
Rev Paul Scalia = 140

The date of the service follows the typical 'freemasonry' coding as well as 'death'.

2/20/2016 = 2+20+20+16 = 58
2/20/2016 = 2+20+(2+0+1+6) = 31
2/20/2016 = 2+2+0+2+0+1+6 = 13
2/20/16 = 2+20+16 = 38

Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58
Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38

The gematria of the name of the Basilica the service is as follows.

Basilica = 2+1+1+9+3+9+3+1 = 29/38
of = 6+6 = 12
the = 2+8+5 = 15
National = 5+1+2+9+6+5+1+3 = 32
Shrine = 1+8+9+9+5+5 = 37/46
of = 6+6 = 12
the = 2+8+5 = 15
Immaculate = 9+4+4+1+3+3+3+1+2+5 = 35
Conception = 3+6+5+3+5+7+2+9+6+5 = 51
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception = 238

Basilica = 2+1+19+9+12+9+3+1 = 56
of = 15+6 = 21
the = 20+8+5 = 33
National = 14+1+20+9+15+14+1+12 = 86
Shrine = 19+8+18+9+14+5 = 73
of = 15+6 = 21
the = 20+8+5 = 33
Immaculate = 9+13+13+1+3+21+12+1+20+5 = 98
Conception = 3+15+14+3+5+16+20+9+15+14 = 114
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception = 535

Notice the gematria of 535, it connects to the words 'Catholic' and 'Religion'.

Catholic = 3+1+2+8+6+3+9+3 = 35
Religion = 9+5+3+9+7+9+6+5 = 53

Also notice that Obama is paying his respects Friday, February 19, 2016.

2/19/2016 = 2+19+20+16 = 57

Supreme = 1+3+7+9+5+4+5 = 34
Court = 3+6+3+9+2 = 23
Supreme Court = 57

How fitting!

The gematria of 'Diocese of Arlington' stands out.

Diocese = 4+9+6+3+5+1+5 = 33/42
of = 6+6 = 12
Arlington = 1+9+3+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 47
Diocese of Arlington = 92/101

Diocese = 4+9+15+3+5+19+5 = 60
of = 15+6 = 21
Arlington = 1+18+12+9+14+7+20+15+14 = 110
Diocese of Arlington = 191

And his church's gematria.

Saint = 1+1+9+5+2 = 18/27
John = 1+6+8+5 = 20
the = 2+8+5 = 15
Beloved = 2+5+3+6+4+5+4 = 29
Catholic = 3+1+2+8+6+3+9+3 = 35
Church = 3+8+3+9+3+8 = 34
Saint John the Beloved Catholic Church = 151

Saint = 19+1+9+14+20 = 63
John = 10+15+8+14 = 47
the = 20+8+5 = 33
Beloved = 2+5+12+15+22+5+4 = 65
Catholic = 3+1+20+8+15+12+9+3 = 71
Church = 3+8+21+18+3+8 = 61
Saint John the Beloved Catholic Church = 340

And the location, McLean, Virginia.

McLean = 4+3+3+5+1+5 = 21
Virginia = 4+9+9+7+9+5+9+1 = 53
McLean, Virginia = 74 (Masonic)

McLean = 13+3+12+5+1+14 = 48
Virginia = 22+9+18+7+9+14+9+1 = 89
McLean, Virginia = 137 (33rd Prime Number)


  1. Scalia was the eighth Roman Catholic to be appointed as a Supreme Court justice. What people should find curious is the poor showing of Baptists. There have only been three Baptist justices in US history, a supposedly protestant nation.

  2. I bet Obama goes to a Basketball game or something Saturday. In keeping with this narrative of him not giving a shit. Looks like more build up for the final Psy-op.

    lie in repose" in the English Reduction system equals 64 / 73

    Scalia's Funeral Comes 7 Days after His Death.

    seven days" in the English Reduction system equals 33 / 42

    seven days" in the English Ordinal system equals 114

    Antonin Scalia's Funeral" in the English Ordinal system equals 228

    Antonin Scalia's Funeral" in the English Reduction system equals 84 / 93

    1. My Call would be the Oklahoma vs. West Virginia Game.

      Obama Skips Funeral For Basketball" in the English Reduction system equals 109 / 127

      Hundred Twenty seven" in the English Reduction system equals 84

      Sooners At Mountaineers" in the English Reduction system equals 91 / 117

      POTUS" in the English Ordinal system equals 91 / 100

      Oklahoma At West Virginia" in the English Reduction system equals 100 / 109


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