Tuesday, February 2, 2016

44 45 46 50 85 86 137 199 | Batman vs Superman and Ahman Green's role as Thug No. 2

Slight cheating here.

If you make the title Batman vs Superman, adding an s in the 'vs', the gematria total becomes 199.  199 is the 46th prime number.

Batman vs Superman = 199
199, 46th Prime

The film is set to release March 25, 2016.  Because it is a leap year, that is the 85th day of the year.  Let us not forget Peyton Manning's birthday is March 24, 46-days after the Super Bowl, meaning the film releases 45-days after the Super Bowl.  **Bears = 2+5+1+18+19 = 45

Keep in mind this Super Bowl has a lot of Batman thumbing, as well as '85 Bears theming, as in Chicago Bears.

Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+15 = 46
This year is the 46th Super Bowl of the Modern Era
The Super Bowl is hosted at Levi's Stadium
Levi's Stadium = 3+5+4+9+1+1+2+1+4+9+3+4 = 46

With regards to the '85 Bears, the won the Super Bowl 46-10, with the Revolutionary 4-6 Defense.  In this regard, the synchs are very interesting.

Notice the release date of the film's numerology.

3/25/2016 = 3+25+20+16 = 64
3/25/2016 = 3+25+(2+0+1+6) = 37 (Chicago = 37/46)
3/25/2016 = 3+2+5+2+0+1+6 = 19
3/25/16 = 3+25+16 = 44

Notice the numerology of '44' for the release date.  This corresponds with Superman as well as Wisconsin, the reason Ahman Green, the former Green Bay Packer is in the film, as mentioned in the article.

Superman = 1+3+7+5+9+4+1+5 = 35/44
Wisconsin = 5+9+1+3+6+5+1+9+5 = 44/53

Ahman Green is also currently 38-years old, another big number on the Super Bowl, that will be played on the 38th day of the year, between the team from the 38th state and one of two teams involved in Super Bowl 38.

Colorado = 3+6+3+6+9+1+4+6 = 38 (38th State)
Panthers = 7+1+5+2+8+5+9+1 = 38

Ahman = 1+8+4+1+5 = 19
Rashad = 9+1+1+8+1+4 = 24/33
Green = 7+9+5+5+5 = 31 (Played for the Green Bay Packers...)
Ahman Rashad Green = 74/83 (Masonic = 74) (Football = 83)
Ahman Green = 50 (Super Bowl 50???)

Ahman = 1+8+13+1+14 = 37
Rashad = 18+1+19+8+1+4 = 51
Green = 7+18+5+5+14 = 49
Ahman Rashad Green = 137 (33rd Prime Number)
Ahman Green = 86 (Hines Ward, #86, wore #86 in the last Batman movie)

Green's role in the movie is "Thug No. 2".  That is how his role is titled in the credits.

Surprised?  I'm not.

Notice how the article even references Hines Ward's scene from the last Batman film...

Hines = 8+9+5+5+1 = 28
Ward = 5+1+9+4 = 19
Hines Ward = 47

Hines = 8+9+14+5+19 = 55 (Broncos in 55th year of existence)
Ward = 23+1+18+4 = 46 (Chicago, 46th Super Bowl of Modern Era)
Hines Ward = 101

Recall, this year's Super Bowl comes 86-days after the Paris Terror attack hoax that was blamed on ISIS.  In history, the worst bombing ever recorded took place on 8/6/1945, Hiroshima.

8/6/1945 = 8+6+1+9+4+5 = 33

Notice the year '45.  This year's Super Bowl takes place on a date with '45' numerology, also connecting to Bears.

2/7/2016 = 2+7+20+16 = 45
Bears = 2+5+1+18+19 = 45



  1. No fudging the title Zach. The "V" is being used for a reason. It is indicating the coming of the 5th Age. In the same way, the NFL opted to use 50 in their logo instead of the Roman numeral "L". Although Lucifer would have been happier had they used his first initial, they achieve the same message.

  2. Here is a funny video for Groundhog Day.
    OK, it's a porcupine but what the heck.


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