Tuesday, February 16, 2016

44 71 74 137 | Judge Cinderela Guevara, who pronounced Antonin Scalia dead without autopsy

Judge = 1+3+4+7+5 = 20
Cinderela = 3+9+5+4+5+9+5+3+1 = 44
Guevara = 7+3+5+4+1+9+1 = 30
Judge Cinderela Guevara = 94

Keep in mind that 'Cinderela' found Scalia on the 44th day of the year, Lupercalia.

Lupercalia = 3+3+7+5+9+3+1+3+9+1 = 44

Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47
Cinderela = 3+9+14+4+5+18+5+12+1 = 71
Guevara = 7+21+5+22+1+18+1 = 75
Judge Cinderela Guevara = 193

Notice the gematria of 44 and 71 on 'Cinderela'.  These numbers are connected to death, as well as the Catholic Church.  Keep in mind that Scalia was the first Roman-Catholic SC justice.


Judge = 1+3+4+7+5 = 20
Cindy = 3+9+5+4+7 = 28
Rice = 9+9+3+5 = 26
Judge Cindy Rice = 74 (Masonic)

Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47
Cindy = 3+9+14+4+25 = 55
Rice = 18+9+3+5 = 35
Judge Cindy Rice = 137 (33rd Prime)

The county she is judge in is fitting in terms of being 'the judge to coverup a murder/faked death'.

Presidio = 7+9+5+1+9+4+9+6 = 50/59
Presidio = 16+18+5+19+9+4+9+15 = 95

'59' is the kill number in Jewish Gematria, like '44' is in Simple English Gematria.

Please see my prior work on the significance of where he died, Cibolo Creek Ranch.


Whoops!  All signs of the coverup, again, whether it is murder or hoax.

The touch with Juanita Bishop is funny.

Juanita = 1+3+1+5+9+2+1 = 22
Bishop = 2+9+1+8+6+7 = 33/42
Juanita Bishop = 55/64

Juanita = 10+21+1+14+9+20+1 = 76
Bishop = 2+9+19+8+15+16 = 69
Juanita Bishop = 145

Melaney = 4+5+3+1+5+5+7 = 30
Parker = 7+1+9+2+5+9 = 33
Rayburn = 9+1+7+2+3+9+5 = 36
Melaney Parker Rayburn = 99
Melaney Rayburn = 66

Melaney = 13+5+12+1+14+5+25 = 75
Parker = 16+1+18+11+5+18 = 69
Rayburn = 18+1+25+2+21+18+14 = 99
Melaney Parker Rayburn = 243
Melaney Rayburn = 174

If the details of this are true, they come as no surprise.  The part about 'Cinderela' saying "Yes, this was a tragedy, but the true tragedy was that she died without accepting Jesus Christ as her savior." sounds exactly like something a Christian fraud would say.

Of course, she was in the military.

Military = 4+9+3+9+2+1+9+7 = 44
Military = 13+9+12+9+20+1+18+25 = 107

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