Today it is reported a man beheaded a coworker in Oklahoma after he was recently fired. In other words, another beheading hoax building on the foreign beheading hoaxes also sponsored by the media at this time. What is curious in terms of Gematria, is that the number 115 is coded three times in this story. Notice the headline, 'This guy was not going to stop'.
- This guy was not going to stop = 20+17+7+13+34+8+16 = 115
- This = 2+8+9+1 = 20
- guy = 7+3+7 = 17
- was = 5+1+1 = 7
- Notice how 'was' creates the 115 sequence in letters to numbers
- not = 5+6+2 = 13
- going = 7+6+9+5+7 = 34
- to = 2+6 = 8
- stop = 1+2+6+7 = 16
Further, the man's name is Alton, Alexander, Nolan, initials that yield AAN, or in Gematria, 115.
- AAN = 1+1+5 (115)
- Alton = 1+3+2+6+5 = 17
- Alexander = 1+3+5+6+1+5+4+5+9 = 39
- Nolan = 5+6+3+1+5 = 20
- Alton Alexander Nolan = 17+39+20 = 76
- Knight of Templar = 76 Read post from earlier today here:
Some 115 significance's, courtesy of Wikipedia, are provided below:

Notice the reporter "Evan", a common name on liquor bottles.
- Evan = 5+22+1+5 = 33
The other word of interest in this case is Vaughan.
- Vaughan = 22+1+21+7+8+1+14 = 74
- Jewish = 10+5+23+9+19+8 = 74
- Jesus = 10+5+19+21+19 = 74
- Cross = 3+18+15+19+19 = 74
- Gematria 7+5+13+1+20+18+9+1 = 74
- English = 5+14+7+12+9+19+8 = 74
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