Thursday, September 11, 2014

47 | Oscar Pistorius Cleared of Murder on September 11, 2014

13-years ago today a 47-story tower crashed to the ground, eight hours after two 110-story towers did the same.  They were known as the World Trade Centers.  Today another "47", this time a human being, has received a much better outcome.  Oscar Pistorius has been cleared of the murder of his girlfriend.  Today's date is also fitting for being "freed from murder".
  • Pistorius = 7+9+1+2+6+9+9+3+1 = 47
  • 9/11/14 = 9+11+14 = 34
  • Murder = 4+3+9+4+5+9 = 34
Oscar better thank the "judge".
  • Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47

1 comment:

  1. So years ago...

    Oscar = 6+1+3+1+9 = 20
    Oscar Pistorius = 20+47 = 67 = 13


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