Sunday, January 8, 2017

33 47 115 | January 15, 2017 Middle East peace talks in Paris, France

Nice word choice from Reuters, 'convene', or come together.

Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33; Order = 33

As for the dating they're meeting, January 15, 2017, that is also a date with '33' numerology.

1/15/17 = 1+15+17 = 33
1/15/2017 = 1+1+5+2+0+1+7 = 17
1/15/2017 = 1+15+(2+0+1+7) = 26
1/15/2017 = 1+15+20+17 = 53 (Religion)

Of course, France is home of the +33 International Dialing Code.

The date January 15, or 1/15, also connects to 'Freemasons', the name of the gang, that runs the nations of the world, or the New World Order.

Freemasons = 115; Killing = 115 (Jewish Gematria)

'France' is also an ideal place for a 'Middle East' peace conference.

France = 29/47; Middle East = 38/47/92
Foundation = 47; Framework = 47; Authority = 47; Obey = 47

Doesn't it seem odd that the leaders of Israel and Palestine are to meet separately at the conclusion of the event?  If the talks about their nations, it seems they should be a part of them.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...Middle East peace talks WITHOUT the most aggressive "country" in the Middle East in attendance.....5 days before the new US President takes office???


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