Sunday, July 15, 2018

26 47 54 94 147 | The significance of the July 14, 2018 MLB Games +Yankees win over Indians and why it pops

From July 14, or 14/7, like 147, to the start of the World Series is 101-days.

World Series = 147 (Ordinal)
101, the 26th prime; Game = 26 (Ordinal); Ballgame = 26 (Reduction)

A few games had 26 connections on July 14...

The Red Sox won 2-6.

The Pirates won 2-6, picking up their 47th win.

Forty-Seventh = 147

The Yankees won 5-4.

Yankees = 26
Baseball = 54 / 54

It was the Yankees and Indians 94th game of the season.

Ninety-Four = 147

The Angles who have the parallels with the Yankees this season as I wrote about at the start of the year, also won 5-4...

And the Nationals, who are stuck on 47-wins, lost 4-7...

Forty-Seventh = 147

Don't forget "47" is the number in D.C.

I've mentioned I like a Yankees and Nationals World Series.  The Yankees pick is promising, the Nationals pick is in question as we approach the All-Star break.  That said, the Nationals who started well are not out.

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