Friday, September 12, 2014

33 74 | The Banana

In the search for "33" fruit, we have found the "peach" and now... the "banana".
  • Fruit = 6+18+21+9+20 = 74
  • Peach = 16+5+1+3+8 = 33
  • Banana = 2+1+14+1+14+1 = 33
In my earlier research on the peach, I found that the largest peach vineyard in the world is owned by the Vatican, and cyanide is made from peach pits, reminding much of 'arsenic', the 33rd element on the periodic table with an atomic weight of 74, like the Gematria of the word fruit, or the Gematria of the word Gematria, or the Gematria of the word English.... or Jesus, or Cross, or Lucifer or Occult.
  • Arsenic = 1+9+1+5+5+9+3 = 33
  • Arsenic Atomic Weight = 74
It makes me wonder what the truth of the banana is?  Perhaps it is a more sinister fruit than we believe.  For years there have been many tails of bananas in the news, from them going extinct, to them being detrimental to our health.  Now that I realize the banana is '33', it seems to make all the more sense.

1 comment:

  1. OK, five minutes ago I ate my last banana, and I only ate bananas because I heard they are healthy, even if my face skin felt like sweating after eating a banana.


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