Wednesday, September 10, 2014

27 33 103 | Pan Am Flight 103 Crash of December 21, 1988 and "227 Passengers" | Malaysian Plane Hoax

103, the 27th prime (27th day of the month)

This morning, while researching Muammar Gaddafi, I came across the story of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing of December 21, 1988- killing 227 passengers, plus 16-crew, for a total of 243 people, a number with a numerology of 9 (2+4+3).  What is curious about the 227 passengers, is that is how many passengers were reported dead in the missing plane incident of Flight MH370 from March of 2014; the MAS plane that went down in the Indian Ocean.  Also notice that Pan Am Flight 103 disappeared on the date of December 21, an infamous date in history.  The date 12/21 has a numerology of "33" in the regard that 12+21 = 33.
  • 12+21 = 33
  • MAS = 13+1+19 = 33
  • Indian = 9+5+4+9+1+5 = 33
  • Search top left corner for MH370 info; just type "Malaysian Plane" or "MH370"
The incident was known as the "Lockerbie" bombing.
  • Lockerbie = 3+6+3+2+5+9+2+9+5 = 44
  • Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
The wreckage is said to have killed "11 more people" as it crashed into Lockerbie, Scotland.  It was blamed eventually on Libya and Muammar Gaddafi.  It should be noted that he was born in the year 42, and was the leader of Libya and the predecessor nation for a span of 42-years, before being murdered by NATO forces, from Belgium.
  • Belgium = 2+5+3+7+9+3+4 = 33
Is that enough with the numerology?  Let us first go back to the 227 passengers.  When you divided 22 by 7 (227)... you are left with the number that is known as "Pi", which pertains to circles...  think of the phrase, gone full circle.  When it comes to these plane crashes, it seems we have gone the full circle, and then some, quite a few times, and are currently doing it again, but faster and more furious.

All of these stories are perpetuated by the same media, and the same police.  Both of which have heavy "33 connections".
  • NY Times established September 18, 1851 (9+1+8+1+8+5+1 = 33)
  • Newsweek = 5+5+5+1+5+5+5+2 = 33
    • Time = 20+9+13+5 = 47
  • Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
And one more note, Pan Am Flight 103 was en route for Kennedy International.
  • 2+5+5+5+5+4+7 = 33
    • Notice the 47 coding in the end of Kennedy, much like the word "time"


  1. December 21 (plus minus; the date varies, but it) also fits into the satanic ritual calendar: we have Winter Solstice with the Sabbat Festival, Feast Day.

  2. In Pan Am Flight 103 there were 270 people who died, NOT 227 as you reported here. Even accounting for the 11 people who died on the ground, that's 259 victims who died as a result of the plane's bombing.

    I know this because a member of my family died on Flight 103. Their death was not a hoax, which I know because I've met with other victim's families, and their death was caused by an act of terrorism. I hope you will consider apologizing to those who lost loved one in these tragedies.


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