Wednesday, September 10, 2014

33 44 | Houdini Handcuff Suicide and Victim Victor White

Strange.  I just finished writing about handcuffs and Proteus before loading up the CNN page, only to find the above headline.  This story features a victim with a "33" name, Victor, and much more Gematria coding.  It continues the trends found in all gun related media hoaxes, of coding the same repetitive numbers.
  • Houdini = 8+6+3+4+9+5+9 = 44
  • Handcuff = 8+1+5+4+3+3+6+6 = 36
  • Suicide = 1+3+9+3+9+4+5 = 34
  • Houdini Handcuff Suicide = 44+36+34 = 114
    • 114, 411 and 44 are all associated with murder
    • The word murder has a Gematria of '34', much like suicide
    • Murder = 4+3+9+4+5+9 = 34
As for the victim, his name is also curious.
  • Victor = 4+9+3+2+6+9 = 33
  • White = 5+8+9+2+5 = 29, reduces to 11
  • Victor White = 33+11 = 44
Even the 'New Iberia Police Cruiser' is part of the coded story.
  • New = 5+5+5 = 15
  • Iberia = 9+2+5+9+9+1 = 35
  • Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
  • Cruiser = 3+9+3+9+1+5+9 = 39
  • New Iberia Police Cruiser = 15+35+33+39 = 122
In total, you can chalk this up as more carefully coded propaganda.  Anyone who thinks this is all a coincidence, I would love to hear from.

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