Friday, September 12, 2014

33 | The AP and Ray Rice Hoaxes | Pro Athlete PsyOps Motive

Following the Ray Rice domestic abuse headlines, we now have even bigger ones.  This time it is NFL MVP Adrian Peterson, charged with felony-level abuse against a child.  Wow.  This is Adrian Peterson' second time being in headlines for issues stemming to a child- a year ago it was reported his 2-year child died from choking.  Since then, murder charges have been filed against Joseph Robert Patterson, not to be confused with Peterson.
  • Adrian = 1+4+9+9+1+5 = 29
  • Peterson = 7+5+2+5+9+1+6+5 = 40
  • Adrian Peterson = 69
The name Robert is always curious.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
Thinking about these recent cases also has me thinking back to Michael Vick headlines, which hogged media headlines for more than a year.  Back then I didn't know about Gematria, or the real significance of "Michael".  To me, Michael was "the name of the 80s", a time when the 33rd Governor of California was the President of the United States.
  • Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Outside of football, it has been names such as Tiger Woods in terms of athletes who have dominated headlines over 'scandals'.  In his case, it was an affair with Rachel Uchitel, who first became famous by speaking about the 'loved one' she lost in the 9/11 tragedy.  Hmmm...
  • Uchitel = 3+3+8+9+2+5+3 = 33
On at outward note, let us ask if "Ray" Rice is the new "Ray" Lewis, who also went through a 'scandal' of his own while playing for the Baltimore Ravens, the team Ray Rice won Super Bowl 47 with.
  • Ray = 18+1+25 = 44
  • Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
  • The Ravens play in Baltimore, MD
  • MD = 44
Both the Vikings and Ravens have team colors featuring purple; a point of possible interest.

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