Sunday, February 7, 2016

44 47 93 666 | Beyonce's new song 'Formation', will there be a surprise Jay-Z appearance at Super Bowl 50?

"Ya'll haters corny with that illuminati mess."  That is the opening line of Beyonce's new song.

Remember, Beyonce was born into the Masonic-Zionist agenda.

Beyoncé = 2+5+7+6+5+3+5 = 33
Giselle = 7+9+1+5+3+3+5 = 33
Knowles = 2+5+6+5+3+5+1 = 27
Beyonce Giselle Knowles = 93

9/4/1981 = 9+4+19+81 = 113 (Scottish) (Mainstream) (Dishonest)
9/4/1981 = 9+4+1+9+8+1 = 32
9/4/81 = 9+4+81 = 94

G+Q+F+6+9+2+0 = 7+17+6+6+9+2+0 = 47
Mafia = 30+1+6+9+1 = 47

Notice the release date of the song.

2/6/2016 = 2+6+20+16 = 44

Beyonce and Jay-Z were married on 4/4/2008, the 40-year anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr, another man with the coded '93'.

4/4/2008 = 4+4+20+08 = 36 (Sum 1-36, it totals 666)

Jay-Z was born Sean Corey Carter, a name with '88' gematria.  This year the musical acts have '88' coded on them, so perhaps we'll see a "surprise" appearance for Jay-Z.

Shawn = 1/10+8+1+5+5 = 20/29
Corey = 3+6+9+5+7 = 30
Carter = 3+1+9+2+5+9 = 29
Shawn Corey Carter = 79/88


  1. Formation is full of Information! Information =415. The San Fran area code is 415, and thats where she'll probably premiere the song.

    Jay Z =62. Mason =62. The song was released on 2/6, alot like 62. Sixty Two =47, and that ties back to the 47 points made in the post.

    **Zach, your Charleston post disappeared - dare I think it was some off color comments from me that may have led to its deletion?? I hope not.

  2. Every Pop "Musician" was born into the Masonic Zionist agenda.

  3. Wow plays right into Revelation now .net his theory of the halftime ritual this year resonating with Planet Mercury. He said he thinks Jay Z will be a surprise guest to help Strengthen the Demonic Ritual they are doing. He predicts a panthers Win btw,there helmets bind with planet Mercury.


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