Friday, September 12, 2014

Power Grid Down Foreshadowing | Is this a 'Fall' Pattern?

If you read the earliest posts on this blog, you will see that 'power grid down foreshadowing' is something I have been cluing into more and more.  What I don't know despite all my research, is if this is something they would truly do to us.  That said, recent headlines are bringing back the thoughts, just as they did last Fall at this time.  Thinking about 227, pi, circles and cycles- plus mainstream media reporting- I'm wondering if this is part of 'New Fall' media-scare-tactics?  Just a thought.
  • Solar = 1+6+3+1+9 = 20
  • Storm = 1+2+6+9+4 = 22
  • Solar Storm = 20+22 = 42
    • begins = 2+5+7+9+5+1 = 29 (Solar Storm Begins = 71 = Zeus)

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