Monday, March 11, 2019

113 | Airlines and governments taking precautions against Boeing 737 Max 8 jets, March 11, 2019 news

It is March 11, or 11/3, like 113, and Boeing is under scrutiny.

Cayman = 33; 3/11/19 = 3+11+19 = 33

97?  Plane Crash = 97


  1. I'm transgender I don't advocate though anyway I was intrigued about the death of an early transgender artist called Sonne Teal who performed in Le Caroussel in Paris. Apparently She died in a plane Crash in Tokyo, some seem to suggest it was BOAC 911 (113 passengers dead) on 3/5/1966 and others that it was ANA Flight 60 2/3/1966 anyway there seemed to be a spate of Air crashes in Japan ~53 years ago

    1. Oh yeah, I forgot to say, my surname is Bond so I picked up on the story about the producers of the Bond film 'You only Live Twice' just so happening to miss scheduled seats on BOAC 911 flight when location scouting for the film ;)


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