Monday, March 18, 2019

37 | Slayer & Anthrax cancel Christchurch concert after shooting +God Hates Us All, released September 11, 2001 

3/15/19 = 3+15+19 = 37

Slayer once released an album on September 11, 2001, called 'God Hates Us All'.

Notice Slayer is touring with Anthrax...

Recall the anthrax scares after 9/11...


  1. I left a comment on your last post about Christchurch shooting, from the shooting to Arthur Brown's birthday (the artist of the song "fire" that was playing in the car) is exactly 101 days.

  2. Yep, there was a police drill nearby during the shooting

  3. 66
    Bernie Tormé dead at 66?
    Tormé = 66
    Famous for playing with
    'Ozzy Osbourne' = 66
    The date Bernie died can be written 3/17 a lot like 317.
    317 is the 66th prime number.


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