Saturday, March 2, 2019

23 32 44 61 108 113 | SpaceX launches demo flight for human transport to space, March 2, 2019 +Ellen Ripley dummy

This launch took place March 2, 2019, a date with 44 numerology.

3/2/2019 = 3+2+20+19 = 44
Space = 19+16+1+3+5 = 44   

The launch comes 118-days, or a span of 119-days from Elon Musk's 48th birthday, June 28.

It comes 35-weeks and days after his 47th birthday.  NASA = 35; JFK, the 35th President

And in light of the subject of takings humans to space, I recall several months ago when Richard Branson said he was weeks away from taking humans to space.  Why no update since then? 

ALSO, 'Ellen Ripley' is the name of the dummy in the rocket, on the 61st day of the year...

Keep in mind that today, March 2, can be written 2/3, like 23, or 3/2, like 32..

Sigourney Weaver, who plays Ellen Riply, has an October 8 birthday, or 10/8, like 108.

From today to the anniversary of the release of the film is a span of 113-days.

NASA was established on a date with 113 numerology.  7/29/1958 = 7+29+19+58 = 113

For the record, 'crew' and 'Dragon' sync with 23 and 32 as well.

And for a bonus note, JFK was killed in the 187th year of the nation's existence.


  1. A Hidden In Plain Sight Freemason NASA/SA(T)AN reference to Science FICTION. Basically a Hollywood Movie (Hologram) about a Dragon (Satan) trying to return to the Heavenly Realms. The Synagogue of Satan calls the Heavens Outer Space.

    "Heavenly Realms"=61(Full Red.)
    March 2nd is the 61st day of the year.

    "Satan/Dragon"=108(Jewish Ordinal)


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