Saturday, March 2, 2019

17 37 44 59 77 | No charges for March 18, 2018 Stephon Clark killing +Sacramento protest March 2, 2019

This news of officers being cleared of a shooting comes March 2, 2019, a date with 44 numerology.

3/2/2019 = 3+2+20+19 = 44

*Shooting = 37; Officer = 37; Sacramento = 37

The date of the shooting was March 18, 2018, the 77th day of the year.

Today is the 61st day of the year.  61, the 18thp rime; Race = 9+1+3+5 = 18

It was a date with 59 numerology as well.

3/18/2018 = 3+18+20+18 = 59 (17th prime)

No Charges = 153 (17th triangular number) 

This decision comes on a date with 17 numerology.  3/2/2019 = 3+2+2+0+1+9 = 17

He was shot 7 times.  17, the 7th prime 

March 2 is also written 3/2, like 32.

There is a protest today, March 2.

Keep in mind the 'order out of chaos' agenda.  This shooting was March 18, or 18/3, like 183.

Today there is a protest in Sacramento.


  1. "Shot 7 Times'=59(Reverse Full Red.)

    The alleged assassination of Dr. King is coded in this story by the numbers as well.
    3/18, 3(1 + 8= 9)39-King died at the age of 39 on 4/4 (44).

    "King"=22(Reverse Full Red.)

    "King"=32(2 Ciphers) 32, 3/2

    A span of 349 days from 3/18/2018 to 3/2/2019.
    349 is the 70th prime.
    70(7)- Clark shot 7 times (allegedly).

    "Sacramento Police"=70(Full Red.)


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