Saturday, March 2, 2019

42 44 59 76 | A black man, James Stern, becomes the head of neo-Nazi organization in Detroit, Michigan, March 2, 2019 news

First of all, this story comes out of Detroit, on the 42nd Parallel North.

The former head of the group was Jeff Schoep.

Second, notice the name Stern, in light of negro.

Motown was established in '59, in Detroit.

Recall, the prophecy of 400-years comes from Acts 7:6.

Acts is the 44th book of the Bible.

Today has 44 date numerology.

2/3/2019 = 2+3+20+19 = 44

African-American = 44 (Septenary Cipher)
Obama, #44
MLK, Malcolm X and 44...
Syracuse and #44 RBs...

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