Sunday, March 10, 2019

93 | Trump calls Ann Coulter a wacky nut job, March 10, 2019 news

This news comes on Ann Coulter's 93rd day of her age, 57.

In other words, it is another 'Saturn' ritual with Trump, the man who had the 511-day presidential campaign.

Notice the gematria overlap with Ann Coulter, conspiracy and Freemason.

Wacky Nut Job = 62; Mason = 62
Wacky Nut Job = 152; Pennsylvania = 152 

I'm always surprised that with the rampant tranny accusations, no one ever brings up Ann Coulter.


  1. Hey Zach...have you ever thought about making a cheat sheet of the deaths of famous people by the numbers or even a cheat sheet of important events throughout history? I think by keeping it simple, simple enough for the average jerk to see the patterns, more people might be interested in your work. I’d keep it to one piece of paper or flyer. I’ve noticed most people shut me off when I start talking about conspiracies and the like or they give me the sure I’ll check out the website response but never do. However, if there was a simpler way of presenting the information in a condensed form, some people might actually look at it and not feel like their time is being wasted. People don’t like to use their brains and you have to attract them without overwhelming or intimidating them.

    1. The September 11th "77 example" is the Gematria soundbite.

  2. March 10th the 69th day of the year, is on a SUNday and the SUN is allegedly 93 million miles away.

    "Illuminati"=69(Reverse Full Red.)

    "Wall"=48(English Ordinal) 48/84
    "Illuminati"=48(Full Red.)
    "Donald Trump"=48(Full Red.)
    "Freemason"=48(Reverse Full Red.)
    "Sunday"=84(English Ordinal)
    "Masonry"=84(Reverse Ordinal)
    "United States Of America"=84(English Ordinal)

  3. Correction Zach, it's MANn Coulter! Or at least thats what I've been calling it for well over a decade.

    1. I have to agree. Look at her long neck. Men have longer necks in general. It's not just the Adam's apple which they do surgery on to minimize.

  4. It's Pat!


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