Thursday, June 5, 2014

55 | Cooperstown and the National Baseball Hall of Fame Museum

Cooperstown is the home of the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame.  It is also a town with "master numerology".
  • Cooperstown = 3+6+6+7+5+9+1+2+6+5+5 = 55
It is located on the 42nd Parallel North and the 74th Parallel West.  The city can be reached by Routes 31 and 33, like the ranging degrees of Freemasonry.

It should be noted that the number 55, which Cooperstown equals, is know to be the "God number" in numerology.  In English however, it has the following meanings.
  • Heaven = 8+5+1+22+5+14 = 55
  • Sky = 19+11+25 = 55
  • Cloud = 3+12+15+21+4 = 55
  • Satan = 19+1+20+1+14 = 55
The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to recognize excellent achievement.  Possibly not by coincidence, the NBA, or National Basketball Association, began recognizing individual achievement, much like the Cooperstown Hall of Fame, in the year 1955, or '55.

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