Friday, April 12, 2019

34 43 62 101 411 | CNN's 'Inside Africa' host, Soni Methu, drops dead at age 34, April 11, 2019

This woman has dropped dead at age 34 on a date with 34 numerology.

4/11/19 = 4+11+19 = 34

 She was a Kenyan.

34 is the reflection of 43.

Notice the emphasis on 'Inside Africa'.

Keep in mind April 11 is the 'assassin' date.

April 11, or 4/11, is the 101st day of the year.

1 comment:

  1. "Host Soni Methu Dead April Eleventh"===411 K <<< On What Day?

    "Host Soni Methu Dies"=====888 J
    "Top Secret Operation"===== 888 J
    "Gematria Communications"== 888 J, 223

    "CNN Host Soni Methu is Murdered"====333 O
    "Soni Methu April Eleventh"==========333 K
    "Make AMerica Great Again Agenda"=====333 K
    "Hidden Gematria in Headline"=========333 K

    "Inside Africa"=========164 K
    "Phony Event"=========164 K

    "This is a Hoax"========164 RO
    "Murder Code"=========164 RO



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