Tonight was LeBron's 35th NBA Finals Game, Draymond Green was drafted #35 overall. They both wear the #23. This ended up being the first NBA Finals game that LeBron didn't score in the first quarter.
Catholic = 35 (LeBron, Catholic High School) (Golden State, Catholic Connections)
King James = 35 (LeBron scored 35th points of Game for Cleveland)
Notice 'Cleveland' lost by 33 in the 'second' game of the NBA Finals.
Cleveland = 33
Second = 33
NBA Finals = 33
Golden St. = 33
Stephen = 33
****President = 110 (Think of the LeBron and election connection)
Washington D.C. on 77th Meridian
********George Washington = 187 (187 combined points) (Homicide code)
On this date in history, the the Portland Trailblazers, from the 33rd State, won the '77 NBA Championship over the Philadelphia 76ers. The Blazers and Cavs both joined the NBA in 1970, along with the Buffalo Braves (now the Los Angeles Clippers).
The first quarter had a long pause with the score at 8-4. It finished with a sum of 40 points.
Forty = 84
LeBron born in '84 (Ali with Parkinson's in '84)
In the second quarter, Golden State also scored '33'. The halftime score was 52-44 which popped out in the wake of the death of Muhammad Ali.
Muhammad Ali = 96 (96 points in first half)
Muhammad Ali was "Muhammad Ali" for 52-years. Muhammad in the Quran was the "Prophet".
Prophecy = 52
California = 52
Warriors from Philly, the city of Prophecy
Muhammad Ali just passed at age 74, as predicted.
Muhammad = 74
Halftime = 74
For the third quarter, it closed 82-62, a sum of 144 points.
Remember, the NBA Finals began June 2, or 6/2/2016.
6/2/2016 = 6+2+20+16 = 44
Forty-Four = 144
Something that stood out about the fourth quarter to me, was Steph Curry scoring the first points of the quarter, giving the Warriors 85 points with a very long three.
Curry = 85
Basketball = 85
Phoenix, Arizona = 85 (Where Ali just died)

Another thing that stood out, was the Warriors scored their 99th points of the game on an and one, at the clocked stopped at 5:23.
523 is 99th prime
The Big Three combined for 34-points, a very specific number to Ali's recent passing. Please see those posts if you have not.
Notice Curry and Thompson combined for 35-points. It was the number tonight.
The Warriors made 44-buckets in their 44th season, in the game that finished with 187-points. 'Chicago' sums to 81 in Jewish Gematria. The Philadelphia Warriors defeated the Chicago Stags in the first BBA Championship.
That was in the year '47.
6/5/2016 = 6+5+20+16 = 47
Cleveland shooting 79-shots is interesting. Ali had birth numerology of 79 and drew parallels to Jim Brown in the wake of his passing.
Champion = 79
Oracle = 54 (54% for home team at Oracle)
Cleveland scored 77 not 79, just a minor error.
ReplyDeleteI meant 79 shots, my bad.
DeleteLeBron's "bad" game was soooo forced, he was playing extremely out of character
ReplyDeleteRiggedGameJune 5, 2016 at 7:43 PM
Earlier I posted this
Today Portland upset Philadelphia 76ers to win their only title.
ESPN on Twitter: "On this day in 1977, Blazermania gripped Rip City as Portland won its first & only NBA title by upsetting the 76ers." via @ESPN App
On the same day the cavs finish with 77 points. Definitely a tribute. I wonder if it points to Cleveland coming back, shocking GS and winning the finals.
Also GS now has tied to Bulls win record of 87 from the season they went 72-10
What also stands out is that 110= president
The total points were 187
The cavs lost by a combined 48 points in game 1 and 2
Obama = 84, the reflection of 48
187 President Obama
Thanks Zach. You too
DeleteLol you got ppl on here saying gs will win the series when most of the money is on them.
ReplyDeleteMost $ today was on the over and Cleveland via
DeleteI'm talking about the entire series.
DeleteYou're coming at people for flip-flopping, but I stick to my guns and you still have an issue... I guess I can't win with you Darius...
DeleteAs for the money, Vegas made plenty of bank from the playoffs already... They'll make a ton of money off game 4 of the finals... The money will be on GSW to sweep, but the Cavs will pull one win out.
Will pull one out?Lol when the series is over don't come back to the blog This is worse than Milo and Mike combined
DeleteSports bet analytics showed 54% of bets on warriors by game start tonite
DeletePercentage of bets is one thing, percentage of money is another. Quite often a couple bets will outweigh everyone else's. Someone might have 200k on the cavs or warriors while the percentage counts $3 bets as the same
DeleteCleveland scored 79? Look like it ended with them at 77**
ReplyDeleteTypo, they took 79 shots.
DeleteWhat is also interesting is that this is the 7th straight loss for Cleveland against GS. 7 as we know means complete. So perhaps Cleveland's losing streak to GS is over. If they come back and win in a row they will be 4-7 against GS since last Finals. For GS they would be 7-4.
Delete47 and 74
That's a good observation my man
DeleteCleveland will forever be cursed
ReplyDeleteEveryone on here need to stop tryna predict the finals in enjoy them
ReplyDeleteGsw win 73 games so if they win what's so shocking about it?
The elite it's not letting any team win 73 games remember that
Lol I'm not enjoying this rigged b.s. You guys are getting duped by the elite. They control steph curry and they don't give a shot about them losing the finals. Lebron had space jam coming up.
DeleteEnjoy the games? Spoken like a real sheep.
DeleteDarius, if Golden State does win, remember LeBron had Train Wreck coming out last year after the Finals.
DeleteHe's an agent. Lol enjoy the finals?! Who says that.
Delete@zach in Darius yea i said enjoy them nine of y'all were right about the playoffs yet
DeleteIf nba is rigged why watch? So if you gonna watch enjoy the show in keep guessing
The prediction the entire NBA season for many was for GSW vs CAVs rematch with the CAVs winning. There is nothing wrong trying to see what is being put out now though to figure out the riddle they have going.
DeleteWhen you know the "show" is fake it is very hard to enjoy it. You see everything they are showing you that blatantly makes it obvious. You don't need to predict anything correct to see it. It only takes an open mind to realize the real liez we have been told.
Remember the Cavs scored 99 points in a loss to GS in game . They also lost to Toronto on 5/23 with a score of 99 points in which they came back from 2-0 to tie the series.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a clur that maybe Cleveland will tie the series at 2-2 at home
I thought you had gs in 5?
DeleteYes, I expect 2-2.
DeleteBasketball = 22
Then again, LeBron is 31....
DeleteNot me Darius. I have been saying Cavs the whole time
DeleteWhat I'm confused now bruh.
DeleteRigged, kudos to you for not changing your pick... I can respect that, even though I disagree with you.
DeleteWarriors in 5, Steph Curry will be MVP.
What have I ever said that I picking GS in 5? That was someone else
DeleteLol steph curry hasn't done shit in this series and he wins mvp. Fuck outta here bruh. You're thinking like a sheep.
DeleteDraymond Green would be the finals MVP he's averaging 23 ppg curry 14.5 ppg.
DeleteNo Rigged, you certainly didn't... I told you I disagreed with you, then told you what I said would happen if GSW won game 2.
DeleteYou've been saying Cavs from the start... I was paying you respect for not wavering on your thinking. My apologies for any confusion, English isn't my native tongue.
Sorry Eso, I was responding to Darius
DeleteDarius, why are you talking so much shit???
DeleteYou call me a sheep for what?
Either apologize to me now, or if not, explain logically why you think I'm a sheep...
Warri, I stand by what I say, no need to snapshot. If I'm wrong, oh well, I won't cry about it... What the fuck do you take me for anyway???
DeleteWarri whats your new update on the series?
DeleteFirst. Why would you pick gs in 5 when it's obvious that cle will win more than 6 games. That's sheep thinking in of itself. The nba won't let this go five they need the money and the ratings. Second. You said steph curry is winning mvp when he isn't doing Jack shot in this series. C'mon bro.
DeleteLol apologize did I hurt your feelings or something. Man up!
DeleteEsoteric - Darius can't explain anything. Look how he acts all uppity like he know what he's talking about. He waits for zach to make a post and then agrees with everything he says. If anyone disagrees with zach Darius comes to zach's defense. If zach says the sky is brown Darius will also say the same. Without zach, Darius' thinking is on par with the sheep.
DeleteWith three games to go, that's plenty of time for him to become worthy of the MVP... You act like two games actually encompass an entire series.
DeleteYou still haven't explained to me how I'm thinking like a sheep... I said from the beginning, If Warriors win game 2, it will go 5, and if Cavs win game 2, it will go seven... That is not sheep thinking, I am not being caught in any hype, I'm sticking with what I said from the beginning.
You need to do a better job explaining why I'm a sheep, because based on the facts, what you just said is complete bullshit... Now either explain yourself better, or stop talking shit for no goddamn reason.
Esoteric Mathematic Language = Milo lol
DeleteNo Darius, I'm not hurt, I'm trying to get you to hold yourself to a higher standard. A grown man should always be able to explain why they place a label on someone... Talking shit with no foundation of logic, is what emotional women, or immature children do.
DeleteBro wtf I'm done. I just explained your sheep thinking and you still don't think it's sheep thinking.
Deleteanother milo LOLOLOL
DeleteDarius, sticking to your guns is sheep thinking? Make that make sense...
DeleteThe elites are laughing their asses off right now. They're already preparing for when lbj takes the crown.
DeleteYou no what I'm wrong esoteric. Sticking to your guns is not sheep thinking. I just don't understand why you have gs winning in 5.
DeleteI'll agree with you on one thing Darius, they are laughing...
DeleteIf the stupidity and immaturity being displayed in these comments, is indicative of the people in the truth movement, we are all doomed... These clowns calling me fanboy Milo, are either agents of division, or unknowingly doing the elites job for them.
I get it bro, you want to understand why I think this will happen... As I told Warri yesterday, I will explain the one thing that made me choose the way I did when it's over regardless (whether I'm right or wrong).
DeleteDon't worry about him, I know his type... The same could be said for Steve and Allen.
DeleteEsoteric is a dupe account either way this idiot will be gone when it isnt over in 5.
DeleteWarri, take your medication...
DeleteAll the lebron fans are mad today Esoteric don't trip..they keep thinking their idol is going to win totally drifting away from the knowlege when Zach puts it right in front of them
DeleteDarius stop spamming the site with your trash predictions you clearly just guessing
Deletelet me ask you who do you have in the sb51 the colts ?? Because the numbers say so just like they did for the pats last year
It's all good Bundy...
DeleteIt's become clear to me that a lot of these dudes are still NBA fans...
DeleteBenzo I predicted gs winning the Okc series. How is that trash?
DeleteSo, Cleveland is going for a 52 year curse? By the way, this is Zach's 52nd post of June. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe guys that think cleveland will win are all guessing on how it ends so heee is my guess that makes the most sense
But lost hope on cavs winning now
Cavs win back to back wins for the title
DeleteExactly it's all a guess just like they did for okc
DeleteIf all of y'all in this site know so much then why watch the games?
Benzo, I haven't watched sports since I was a little kid... When I got into my early teens, I always preferred playing, instead of sitting around watching other people play... I can't speak for everyone, but that's just me.
DeleteIf someone actually devoted all of their energy to watching every second of every game and media coverage plus decoding it I guarantee we would have a pretty damn clear picture of what is going on. Many of us still have slave jobs that steal our energy and also have many other things that are more important that sports. Sports are just 1 part of what is going on in this world. Wake up Kid your ego is showing.
DeleteIt is also sad u need predictions to be right for you to see how rigged and planned out everything is. Just look at the same numbers coming up in the NBA, the news, the entertainment industry. Even in your neighborhood you will see the same numbers. That would take you actually having an understanding of what Gematria is and how to use it though which you clearly lack.
DeleteIf you don't understand how the programming works that means you are programmed by it and are probably reacting emotionally as well.
Well put Korey.
DeleteWarriors are 12-1 after losing a game....
Deleteso if they lose games 3,4 and 6,7.....
then they will finish with a "12-3" after losing a game...
and we should all know about the "123"....
I heard the announcer say that Golden State is 50-3 at Oracle. If they win game 5 it would be 51-3, then lose game 7 puts it at 51-4 lining up with the 51 year drought for Cleveland being snapped.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHonestly i don't know why everyone is fighting...
ReplyDeleteThere is still plenty of basketball left.
And honestly, if Cleveland "falls" on their numbers and lose then i'm OK with that.
Because there have been so many strange stories lately, that ALL seemed to be foreshadowing Lebron losing.....
We had the Gorilla Story...
That girl on google doodle that i said.....
Heck, even Muhammad Ali KNOCKED OUT..
CLEVELAND Williams in 1966!!!!!
Even the new Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles movie..... The black doctor in it is wearing a bow tie and glasses, similar to Lebron James (and other basketball players).....
And at the end of the movie the doctor get's betrayed and the doctor said something like "how can you betray me? i did everything you asked...... i was supposed to become a legend!"
or something like that........ idk, but it totally reminded of lebron......
Either way, alot of these stories seemed to have connections to Leborn (in a bad way)
So you know what, if Cleveland doesn't win that is fine...... they gave us plenty of clues and the fact that some of us were able to decode it is awesome...
**if Cleveland loses***
I'll take that as a win and watch out for stories like those for next time...
This is a learning experience after all....
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnother observation;
ReplyDeleteNeymar Jr (Barcelona football player) was at the game today and later took pictures with a few of the GS team including Curry and Thompson after the game with his Barcelona shirt.
Neymar Jr = 31 (LeBrons age)
Neymar Jr = 41 (King) Also remember all the 41 coding around the Champions league final?
Real Madrid had connections to the warriors this year, Neymar plays for there great rivals Barcelona.. May be some foreshadowing that Warriors will lose the series.
Just thought it was interesting, also Cavs losing by 33 points this game really stands out for good or bad im not sure. Also lost by 48 points over the two games now 48 = James.
77th prime number is 389. We know 89 = King James... Perhaps cavs go and win 3 in a row..? Potentially, maybe clutching at straws there. I do think cavs win the next two games though and tie it 2-2. I am quite surprised that Warriors have blown the cavs out by so many points though.
Seems like a bit of a no contest for GSW at the moment.
Last time a team only scored 77 points against the Warriors was the Lakers 34 point loss on 11/24. Warriors got the record 16-0 Start of season. Warriors also beat Cavs by 34 points 34 Cavs games after Lebron was 9 of 23. That's why they brag up "Livingston"=69=Cleveland Cavaliers=Back to Back because he wears # 34. In the Lakers game on 11/24 Curry went out the game with 6.5 seconds left even. 11/24 to 6/8(Game 3) is 197 days. Also 28 weeks 1 day. Warriors first loss made them 28-1. 281 is 60th prime which connects to Kobe's final game. Kobe also said in the 111-77 loss he couldn't scored 80 and it wouldn't matter. "King Charles III"=80 "Jason Richardson"=168=Cleveland Cavaliers=Queen Elizabeth II also honored at that Lakers Game. He retired on 9/23/15. Interesting too Warriors won by 33 tonight, and were chasing the 33 game win streak of the Lakers. "Los Angeles California"=197 Prince=197 Lebron=197
ReplyDeleteShaun Livingston=69 not Livingston.
DeleteGo back and read my post from that Game. I said how it reminded me of the Blazers win in '77. Walton was coaching the team at that time, and it was his father on the Blazers who won the championship in '77.
DeleteWill do, The Blazers were really connected to the Warriors this year. Luke Walton=134 King Charles III=134
DeleteKobe Could've scored 80.
ReplyDeleteJust give it up man. Sometimes logic trumps everything. We all got duped. Cle is dead meat. GS is elite and Cavs are JV
ReplyDeleteIf Cleveland wins it won't be a good sign for this country.As it's gonna fall.
ReplyDeletestill a good chance Cavs win...they lost 2 games to the Raptors so its not that big of a deal yet..they either gotta win 4 str8 games or they lose 1 and win game 7 which the 4-2 Cavs theory goes out the window but they still win...ready to see what the moneyline is for the Cavs to win the series now
ReplyDeleteYou can not determine a series based off two games. Here we are again, fighting over other men and their balls. Half of you need to shut it, a quarter of you still think these guys are actual athletes, and the rest of us are tired of your bullshit.
ReplyDeleteYou would think with the nonstop bombardment of distraction and entertainment that some of you would have figured out how plotlines work.
im not fallin for it im putting atleast 100 on the Cavs to win the series i knew i had to wait till the game 2 result to see if it will be worth more
Deleteim 100% convinced now there is magnet in the ball and rim that they can hit a switch somewhere to turn it off and on...the way the Warriors hit 3s is ridiculous the center Speights can hit 3s the power forward the small forward every fukin body on the team but Bogut and Ezili cuz then it would be to obvious then lol...Game 2 they just turned it off on the Cavs rim whatever goes in goes in..Warriors rim was turned on...welcome to the NMA National Magnetball Association lol
ReplyDeleteI still think cle will win next 2 but gsw is looking so strong it's like the cavs not even trying
ReplyDeleteI could care less who wins in the end but this series is becoming unwatchable
Because cle could very well blow gsw out the next 2 in then what
i just wanna win some money lol i wish Zach could predict game outcomes better lol but i think if the Cavs do win it it will most likely go to a game 7 and unless they let them win 4 str8 games and make the Warriors look horrible
DeleteIf your tryna win money the safe bet is cle
Deletebecayse there's no way gsw win game 3 right?
If they do the series is over in I would def be confused in feel bad for Lebron
Not to change the subject, but i will, HOW BOUT THEM HOUSTON ASTROS!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow bout those Cubs lol j don't follow baseball but if the Astros are winning that's good but it's to early in the season
DeleteRemember what Toronto did last summer any team can get hot
Yes, Astros heating up.
Delete"Houston has won four in a row on the road, but the Rangers have won a franchise record-tying nine consecutive home series. It's unclear how much Texas will use Prince Fielder as it goes for a 10th.
DeleteFielder was benched for the second straight day in Sunday's 3-2 victory. He's hitting .187 -- the second-lowest average among qualifiers in the AL -- and said he's never gone through this bad of a slump at any point in his career."
Prince.... batting ".187"
of course the espn headline video would be 0:11...
ReplyDeleteSo who wins the finals
DeleteHow are they done after two loses who are you to judge that
DeleteHow are they done after two loses who are you to judge that
DeleteCan't wait to see what all these lebron James fans say after they lose.warriors need only 2 more games wth?? Giving all us truth seekers bad names making videos gauranteeing cavs win to put money on them wtf? It's worse then milo and a regular dumb slave NBA fan put together at least a NBA fan Is unaware of what's going on.i take that back about milo at least he put out some kinda numbers even tho it was Ludacris instead of saying listen to me listen to me listen to me..
ReplyDeleteAll the cavs fans on here By the end of the week will be saying "cavs in 9" lebron is a puppet to lose get it through ur thick hard heads
ReplyDeleteI knew lebron was such a loser in basketball terms and Freemason terms that my dumbass picked Miami to win the east in February .
DeleteThere's a video above screen shot with a 41 second timestamp. Interesting that the date of game 3 has '41' numerology
ReplyDelete6+8+20+1+6= 41
Another thing that stood out, was the Warriors scored their 99th points of the game on an and one, at the clocked stopped at 5:23.
ReplyDelete523 is 99th prime
Warriors Crush Cavs" in the English Ordinal system equals 235
Anyone notice on first take how Muhammed Ali was 22-3 in title defenses with 14 KOs. We know about that 223 and now Love has a concussion?! No Love, like the number he wears 0.
ReplyDeleteI'm new at this, thought I'd share.
Nice find
DeleteThanks BSavage, I meant to also type the reflection of the 14, 41 = King, but thought that everyone knew that already.
DeleteAnother observation to tie in with this match.
ReplyDeleteNovak Djokovic beat Murray to win the french open on the same day.
He won 3-1 (31) in 34 games. Love, Irvin and Lebron combined for 34 points.
Djokovic = 35. Curry and Thompson combined for 35 points.
Djokovic is the first person to hold all 4 grand slams titles since 1969... 47 years ago. Fitting that he did this on a date with 47 numerology in France. France = 47.
Warriors won their first Championship in 1947.
Check this out: Djokovic won in 34 games. The 34th Prime Number is 139. May 18th was the 139th day of the year and the date of the europa league final.
Sevilla won that final 3-1 (Both Djokovic and Sevilla went behind in the games and came back to win)
Real Madrid won 5-3 on Penalties. Novak Djokovic = 53.
There's so many more im convinced without a shadow of a doubt that each event tells the story to the next, but trying to piece it all together really is a challenge. I suppose with practice you start picking out patterns more regularly.
There's a video above screen shot with a 41 second timestamp. Interesting that the date of game 3 has '41' numerology
ReplyDelete6+8+20+1+6= 41
There's this too. Correct me if I'm wrong this way
Delete6+8+2+0+1+6 = 23,
To me it just seems like it's Lebron's game this time, I thought that Cavs would win game 2, this is very hard to read.